Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2016!

Total Number of Posts: 1590
(This does not include those that aren’t published!) 
Total Number of Followers396
Total Number of Pageviews: 111, 019

Books Reviewed: 9
Movies Reviewed: 0

Books Read and Reviewed:
  • In Real Life by Jessica Love (4 Stars
  • When We Collided by Emery Lord (5 Stars)
  • What You Always Wanted by Kristin Rae (4 Stars)
  • Dreamology by Lucy Keating (4 stars)
  • Asa by Jay Crownover (5 Stars
  • The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle (3 Stars)
  • The Way Back to You by Mindi Scott Michelle Andreani (4 Stars) 
  • Wonder Woman at Superhero High by Lisa Yee (4 Stars
  • The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson (5 Stars)

  • #170:  Featuring titles like The Art of Not Breathing by Sarah Alexander
  • #171: Featuring titles like The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle
  • #172: Featuring some of my TLA haul! If you want to see ALL of it, comment and let me know! 

Fun Stuff:

Leave your monthly wrap-up in the comments section!

One thought on “Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2016!

  1. Love Morgan Matson, so I definitely want to read that book. You had a fantastic month! Happy May!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her