TTT: Top 10 Books Every “Thriller” Lover Should Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books Every “Thriller” Lover Should Read!

This Is Where It EndsDamage Done
1. This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp: This book will not only get your heart beating and blood pumping, but it will also make the waterworks start working. This book will make your emotions go all over the place and every thriller lover needs to read this!
2. Damage Done by Amanda Panitch: I LOVED this book more than words can say. There’s not much I can say without giving away spoilers, but just know that with this book, don’t take anything “serious.” Everything in the book is NOT what it seems. 
Blackbird (Blackbird, #1)The Naturals (The Naturals, #1)
3. Blackbird by Anna Carey: I really liked this book because of the way it was told. It’s written in second person, so it seems as if “you” are the person doing all the actions. For some people it may take some getting used to, but I had really enjoyed  doing all the things the book said I did. 
4. The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: I read this book so long ago, but I really wanted to make sure everyone else reads this book too. It was so good! I really liked it and really want to finish the rest of the series. 
Daughter of Deep SilenceLiars, Inc.
5. Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan: I really liked this one. More than was expected. And it’s all about secrets and lies and so much more! Add on to the fact that its supposed to be like the show Revenge, I need to start watching it. 
6. Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes: Teens on the run? Check. Liars of all ages? Check. Twists and turns that will leave you with an open, gaping mouth Check. All of these things can be found in this book and I can tell you, it’s definitely something to read if you love thrillers! 
The Devil You KnowBetween the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Between, #1)
7. The Devil You Know by Trish Doller: This book is by one of my favorite contemp authors. I loved how she made it so creepy. I didn’t think she’d write something like this, but she did and she did it well. The people in this were definitely creepy. Especially since they felt like everyday people. 
8. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke: I knew I would love this one from the very beginning. Literally like the very first line. I loved the twisty and turny of the book as well. Plus, I LOVE the writing style. 
I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)Panic
9. I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga: This book is a classic. Definitley something that HAS to be on a list like this. I mean, the father of the main character is a serial killer. I can’t see anything more “thrilling” than this. 
10. Panic by Lauren Oliver: This one isn’t your normal thriller, but that’s why I liked it so much. This one was was more about a game, but that game isn’t one you would want to play. 
What book would you add to this list? 

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Books Every “Thriller” Lover Should Read!

  1. OOh nice! I enjoyed Tucholke's book! Still need to read Doller's!

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