In Real Life by Jessica Love

Hardcover, 224 pages

Release Date: March 1,2016
Published by: St. Martin’s Press
Source: Own
For fans of: Contemporaries, Romance, Chick-lit, Sparkly Covers, Drama, LOL, Realistic Fiction, Stand-alones, YA

      Hannah Cho and Nick Cooper have been best friends since 8th grade. They talk for hours on the phone, regularly shower each other with presents, and know everything there is to know about one another.

     There’s just one problem: Hannah and Nick have never actually met.

     Hannah has spent her entire life doing what she’s supposed to, but when her senior year spring break plans get ruined by a rule-breaker, she decides to break a rule or two herself. She impulsively decides to road trip to Las Vegas, her older sister and BFF in tow, to surprise Nick and finally declare her more-than-friend feelings for him.

     Hannah’s surprise romantic gesture backfires when she gets to Vegas and finds out that Nick has been keeping some major secrets. Hannah knows the real Nick can’t be that different from the online Nick she knows and loves, but now she only has night in Sin City to figure out what her feelings for Nick really are, all while discovering how life can change when you break the rules every now and then.


      I have to be honest. When I first became interested in this story it was purely because of the cover. but then people started saying amazing things about it and I knew I needed it to be mine. I thought I had learned my lesson about cover obsession buys, but apparently not lol
“I didn’t want to like [them]. I want to punch [them] in the face.

pg. 79

     Hannah and Nick are best friends and have been for four years. They seem to know more about each other than their respective siblings. But oddly enough, they’ve only talked to each other behind computer screens. They live in two different states, four hours away. But one day, Hannah decides she needs to surprise Nick… And things end up not being at all as she pictured it.

“The awkwardness… It burns.

pg. 87

     The main thing that kept me hooked to this story was the amazing writing style. I laughed out loud, I blushed when I Hannah or Nick were embarrassed, and I even got angry when one of them did too. I felt so connected to their awkwardness and I thought it was absolutely adorable. Plus, it helped that Love made their journey so funny lol I got weird looks from everyone when I was laughing in the muddle of a quiet room.

“You don’t have to wait until college for your life to start, you know? You can start it now.

pg. 198

     There were really only two things about this that I didn’t like. I wasn’t a fan of how predictable it was. I mean, come on I TOTALLY called that ending. But I still thought it was super cute even though I knew it was coming. It still made me smile. Also, I didn’t like how big of a hypocrite the MC was! She was so angry at all that was happening, which I totally understand, but she also  wasn’t very truthful herself. To be honest, it could’ve been avoided… And that’s all I’m going to say. And then, she never had to tell the truth, so it seemed like she got off scott free and I didn’t like that. I wanted her to finally own up to it.

“It’s possible for life to be scary and fun at the same time. The scariness is the fun..

pg. 202

     Even still, the story was light and fluffy and just what I need right now. I swooned, I laughed, and I got angry and that’s really all I ever want in a story. it may not have been five stars for me, but it was certainly something I’m glad I didn’t miss!
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her