The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

ARC, 519 pages

Release Date: May 3, 2016
Published by: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Source: Texas Library Association (TLA)
For fans of: Realistic Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Animal Lovers, Chick-lit, Drama, Womance, YA

     Andie had it all planned out.
     When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.
     Important internship? Check.
     Amazing friends? Check.

Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks)

But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.
     Because here’s the thing – if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected.
     And where’s the fun in that?


     When I heard Morgan Matson had another book coming out, I knew I had to read it. After reading her last couple books, I’ve always said that Matson was the Queen of YA Realistic Fiction, And with this book she solidified it in my mind!

“This would be outside with no air conditioning and I had a feeling it would involve dealing with a lot of crap, both literal and figurative.


     Andi’s summer was not going the way she had planned it. It started with her father getting it trouble and everything went downhill after that. But then, after the summer started going on, Andi sees that she really enjoyed “the unexpected.”
“…that everyone, no matter what they might want to think, has things they don’t want to talk about.

pg. 195

     The main thing I loved about this book was the emojis. I know that’s stupid and I know it my date the book later on, but still, I loved that they were there. It was a perfect way to mix technology and Andi’s world. I also felt like it would be the perfect way to entice those of the technology age tto read some if they were reluctant readers. It was a very cute idea Matson.
“The idea that you could rethink the thing you’d always thought you wanted and change your plan- it was almost a revolutionary concept. That you could choose what would make you happy, not successful. It was the opposite if everything I had believed to be true.

pg. 303

     Secondly, I LOVED all the details. Matson has a way of writing to make it seem as if you were there with them. She tells you what the food they’re eating smells like and what it tastes like, and other little details about what the characters are doing. I admit, sometimes in 500+ page contemporary romance books I feel like too much fluff is a bad thing, but in this one that was not the case. I didn’t even realize that there was so much fluff. It just seemed to flow and I loved it. 
“Just because the summer’s over doesn’t mean _______ have to be.

pg. 368

     I also LOVED Clark. He was so cute and adorable and his profession? OMG Let me love you! I’ve never read a book where the character held that kind of job, Especially around that age. I thought that was kind of cool. And then I loved his awkwardness and romantic nature. He was so cute and I loved him. And then put the two of them together and I just fell in love with the story. The romance was very cute and I loved seeing it.
“You have to try.

pg. 462

     Last but certainly not least, I really enjoyed seeing the womance and their group of friends. They all were so close and Matson made them and their friendship seem so real. Everything they did and everyhing they laughed about was something that reminded me of my friends. I had half a mind to take their adventures to use with my friends. Also, going along with the other characters, it was pretty nice to see some of Matson’s old characters and The Orchard included in this book! I was glad to see them and even more glad to see they were doing ok. This summery book will definitely make you want to re-read it as soon as you turn the last page! 
Overall, I give this

One thought on “The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

  1. Ah, such an amazing review, Nikki! I cannot wait to read this one!

    Kim @ Divergent Gryffindor: BLOG || VLOG

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