Stacking the Shelves #174 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews. 

From the library:
Reawakened (Reawakened, #1)
Needed an audiobook to listen to as I open the restaurant in the morning. It helps make the day go by faster! Plus I got an ARC of the second book at TLA and I’ve been wanting to read this FOREVER! 
For Review: 
The Diabolic
I missed this one while at TLA because I was volunteering while she was signing so I was so happy to see that Simon & Schuster approved me right away via Edelweiss! Hopefully I can also snag a copy at BEA because the real cover is GORGEOUS!! 

It came three days late, but I was still happy to get it nonetheless. Looks like this will be my #BEA16 plane read!!! (Because let’s be honest. I won’t finish this by tomorrow. This book is a BEAST. The lady who did my pedicure thought I was studying while I was reading it lmfao)
Another slow week for me, but after TLA I really haven’t needed anything lmao Also, I’m so proud of myself for sticking to my book buying ban to save some money for BEA! But now that it’s here, I’m making a list of EVERYTHING I want to buy lol (Only ACOMAF was the exception!)
What did you get this week?!

Weekly Wrap-Up

What went on at your blog this week?!

One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #174 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

  1. OOh nice! I can't wait to read ACOMAF! Not sure when I will sneak that one in! LOL! Cannot wait for BEA next week either!!! Been trying to pack this weekend, and it's slow going. Mostly because I don't want to wrinkle my clothes so soon! I know what I'm packing for the most part though, so it won't take much but to get it all in the suitcase!

    See you soon! 😉

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her