Top 10 Historical Instances I Want to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Historical Instances I Want to Read About!

Since I’m not a huge fan of history, I haven’t really thought of very many historical fiction instances I’d like to see so this was pretty tough! Great topic, it really made me think! 

1. Something with black history. Mainly to do with the Jim Crow laws. Not about a certain someone, but just about the time period. That was the only history I paid attention to in school. 

2. Something that deals with women’s suffrage. Not exactly about Susan B. Anthony, but someone who knew of her or maybe even met her and their fight to help us obtain women’s rights. That’d be cool to read about. 

3. Something dealing with the Kennedy administration. It would be cool to have it as a thriller for someone that witnessed his assassination. (I read a book about this for my Literature f0r Youth class last semester and now I’ve become obsessed with him, Jackie, and his assassination.) 

4. Something dealing with 9/11/2001. Granted this is more recent history, but I’d definitely read something that features a piece of history I was old enough to remember happening. (Sidenote, there is an MG novel coming out in July called Towers Falling by Jewell Rhodes as well as a YA novel called All We Have Left by Wendy Mills some time this year that both sound divine!)

5. Pearl Harbor. I’ve seen and loved the movie, which inspired me to want to know more about it. I think if I could read a book about it, I’d feel inspired to know more about it as well. 

6. The telling of the Emancipation Proclamation. I say this because I’d love for it to be set in Galveston, Texas where I’m originally from. We make a big deal about it every June 19th, and some of the children there don’t even know why. I’d like to be able to tell them about it and then shove a book at them to help them understand it is more than just a big party. 

7. The Titanic. Being honest, I really only added this because I read and loved this one book and then there’s of course the most epic love story EVER, The Titanic. I’d love to have more of this. Even if it was just like the movie but with YA, I’d read it. Just a tragic story that I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to read fast enough! 

8. MLK’s March on Washington and his I Have a Dream speech. Funny story- When I was in second grade I won the Martin Luther King award for a story I had wrote about him for MLK day. The story I wrote had a little African American girl who was watching the march on her black and white tv in her home, when she accidentally “fell” through it. She is then transferred out to the actual speech and is able to witness it (and all the racism that was following them) in person. I got recognition from the City of Galveston for that story and I remember being so proud of it. I need something like that to be written for me now. 

9. Neil Armstrong, the man on the moon. I really like the idea of outer space travel and I’ve always love the planets and the moon, and I’d love to see more books about it!

10. President Obama. Ok I know this one is definitely the present, but he has definitely made history as the first African American president of the United States and I can’t wait to see some books that talk about him or even some picture books that just feature a black man as President. Add on to the fact that he has done two terms and accomplished so much in that time (This is not up for discussion. Talk down on Obama and I will not post your comment. kthanks, bye.) and I can’t wait for my children’s children to start learning about him! Also, if all goes right, I can say the same for Hilary Clinton to be the first FEMALE President! Let’s make this happen y’all! Your votes matter!!!!

Yeahhhh this turned out a lot longer than I expected, but like I said, I really liked doing this topic! It really made me think! Especially with me not being a His Fic fan. I’m sure having any of these would help me to WANT to read more about them! 

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Historical Instances I Want to Read!

  1. OOh interesting topic choices! Have you read Fateful by Claudia Gray! It's got the Titanic in it! And werewolves!! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I have not! I remember seeing something about it, but it was during the year I started blogging that it came out so I kinda found out about it too late! I had forgotten all about that book! Thanks, maybe I should check it out!

  3. I would love to read all of these books. I love the suffrage idea. My NaNo project last year was going to be about that but I didn't have the time to work on it. Have you read A Mad, Wicked Folly? It's about women's suffrage but in England. I has the Pankhursts who are sort of like the British Susan B. Anthony. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

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