The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine

ARC, 342 pages

Release Date: May 10, 2016
Published by: Balzer + Bray
Source: Texas Library Association (TLA)
For fans of: Contemporary Romance, Summer Loving, Diversity (Disability), Chick-lit, Sparkly Covers, YA

     Cassidy Emmerich is determined to make this summer—the last before her boyfriend heads off to college—unforgettable. What she doesn’t count on is her boyfriend breaking up with her. Now, instead of being poolside with him, Cass is over a hundred miles away, spending the summer with her estranged father and his family at their bed-and-breakfast at the Jersey Shore and working as the newest counselor at Camp Manatee.
     Bryan Lakewood is sick of nevers. You’ll never walk. You’ll never surf. You’ll never slow dance with your date at prom. One miscalculated step and Bryan’s life changed forever—now he’s paralyzed and needs to use a wheelchair. This is the first summer he’s back at his former position at Camp Manatee and ready to reclaim some of his independence, in spite of those who question if he’s up for the job.
     Cass is expecting two months dealing with heartbreak.
     Bryan is expecting a summer of tough adjustments.
     Neither of them is expecting to fall in love.


        I LOVED this book. Is that enough for a review? The world building was amazing, the characters felt real, and there was an element of diversity that I have personally never read about. Everything I love about books 
“Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one gets filled faster.”
pg. 1 (ARC)
     Cassidy is escaping her ex and leaving her life at her home behind for the summer. That brings her to her family and new job in Crest Haven in New Jersey for the summer. There she meets new friends and a really nice boy. She’s not there to fall for boys, but falling for this one seems to be inevitable. 
“I looked at it like a small act of rebellion. A way to show people I did have a sense of humor. That it was okay to laugh.”
pg. 36 (ARC)
     .My favorite part of this book was the world building. I’ve never been to New Jersey, but I’m from around a beach and that was all I needed to imagine it all in my head. I could smell the salt in the air, feel the heat of the day, and see almost everything that happened at Camp Manatee. Constantine’s writing style made me feel like I was there in New Jersey myself. It was just what I needed since when I read this I was still battling the ends of winter! 
“Stop feeling sorry or yourself kid. Put on some lipstick and hit the boardwalk.”
pg. 100 (ARC)
     Another thing about this book I loved was the alternate POV’s. I was able to see what Cass was thinking as well as what Bryan was thinking. This was most interesting because the element of diversity in this one was a disability or a wheelchair. I thought it was cool that we could see into his head and experience his thoughts on him being in his chair first hand.
“This is war, Cass. You may as well start acting like it.”
pg. 103 (ARC)

     I was so excited to read this one because I’ve never read a fluffy contemporary romance about someone who is wheelchair bound. And to make it better, I was impressed that the author didn’t make it seem that Bryan couldn’t be happy before he met Cass. When they were introduced, all Cass did was amplify his happiness. Also, Bryan is one boy that doesn’t let his chair hold him back and I respected him immensely for that. From being a camp counselor, to morning swims, to making jokes about it and more, he was a character that I fell for right along with Cass.

“Break-ups blow, no matter what happened.”
pg. 144 (ARC)
     Lastly, I want to talk about the characters and their romance. Constantine made it seem so natural and real. They became friends and then they just instantly hit it off. Nothing felt forced and because of that, I felt myself immersed into the story. I was so happy with the story that I looked past all the cliched troupes it featured (the meet cute and another one, but I won’t say that one for spoilers…) 
“You won’t know until you try.”
pg. 284 (ARC)
     This book bought me summer when I needed it most and I have now added everything else by the author. It helped to end an epic reading funk for me with its romance, great setting, and amazing characters and I hope it can do the same for someone else. If I haven’t convinced you to read this already, I’m not sure what else to do. 
Overall, I give this

One thought on “The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine

  1. Ahh, I'm so excited to read this in a few minutes! Amazing review! 🙂

    Kim @ Divergent Gryffindor: BLOG || VLOG

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