Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates

e-Audio, 10:44:52
Narrated by: Reba Buhr
Release Date: November 7, 2023
Published by: Black Owl Books (Sourcebooks Fire)
Read from: November 3- December 3, 2023
Source: Library’s Libby
TW: Body Horror, Gore, Blood, Violence, Animal Death, Child Death
For Readers Interested In: Horror, Thriller, Mystery, YA

      From USA Today bestselling horror/thriller author Darcy Coates comes the chilling legend of a monster no one can escape.
     Abby Ward lives in a town haunted by disappearances. People vanish, and when they’re found, their bodies have been dismembered and sewn back together in unnatural ways. But is it the work of a human killer…or something far darker?
     She and her younger sister live by a strict set of rules designed to keep them safe―which is why it’s such a shock when Hope is taken. Desperate to get her back, Abby tells the police everything she knows, but they claim their hands are tied.
     With every hour precious, Abby and her friends are caught in a desperate game of cat and mouse. They have to get Hope back. Quickly. Before too much of her is cut away. And before everything they care about is swallowed up by the darkness waiting in the tunnels beneath the home they thought they knew.


This isn’t going to be a great review and man I’m really mad about it. I was really hoping I was going to give this 5 stars, but unfortunately it didn’t make it there. This had everything I wanted in it, but it just did not deliver.

Ok so the first thing about this book was the thrilling part. I was so excited to hear about all the weird things that were happening with this string. But when I finally read it, it was nothing like I thought it would be. Yes the strings mean something, but we don’t find out what they mean until the like middle. And then the reason was just because something was found. But they never described it or anything. It just wasn’t scary. And I was so disappointed.

I guess it was the plot that I was mostly mad about. It was a thriller, but it never felt like one. Even when they were finding out what was going on and when they were trying to find something that was taken. I think it was because there were so many different POVs. We never got enough time to REALLY know anyone and I hated that. There was someone who believed, someone who didn’t, someone who had a mom that was in a certain situation at the time and we never got an in-depth look at any of it.

The myth or the legend or whatever it was was the best thing about this book. It was creepy and chilling and I wanted so much more of THAT feeling. Unfortunately that never came. Even when they went down to the “place,” it was more like them going exploring and then it was done. There was nothing that popped out at them or anything. Now I do understand that the horror trope for this one was body horror, but there was nothing else scary about it . And that bothered me. Especially since they didn’t even do the explanation until later in the book. Idk, it was just annoying.

The characters were ok. Like I said I only liked the legend, but even that person only was shown for that one time only. I would have at least made the lady the person to know the info they needed. But the author chose something else. I don’t really remember all the different POVs, but that’s telling in and of itself. They all seemed the same, and if I didn’t know their opinion on some things, I’m not sure I would have been able to tell them apart. Hell even the one that didn’t believe was learning more quickly than the rest of the book. And Lordt, don’t get me started on the way all of them didn’t go find them together. There is no way that should have happened. I was appalled that they let it get there.

This wasn’t the book I thought it was, and that’s ok. It wasn’t bad, it still held my attention and I was eager to find out what happened next, but man, this was disappointing. The characters were terrible even though we knew nothing about them, and there was really nothing that was actually scary or thrilling about this. Yeah the trope is body horror, but it could have shown more of that. It was hardly in there and that annoyed me. Yet it wasn’t enough for me to stop reading.

Overall, I give this

One thought on “Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates

  1. Oh bummer. I was slightly intrigued by this one. Mainly because I too thought it would be a horror story of sorts. It’s sounding like that is not the case. And if the characters weren’t even likeable…I am not sure I can justify giving this one a try when I still have 600+ tbr books waiting for me. Well, every book isn’t for every one and it kind of sounds like this one won’t be for me either. Glad that you were still able to enjoy it somewhat or at least see it through! Very nice review!

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