TTT: Top 10 YA Characters I’d Love to see 10 Years after their book was Published!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 YA Characters I’d Love to see 10 Years after their book was Published!

1. Anna and Isla from the Anna and the French Kiss trilogy: I’d love to see what Anna was doing after the events at the end of Isla and I’d love to see what happens between her and Josh!

2. Andi from The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson: Since this one barely came out today, I won’t go too much into detail. But, Andi is one chick who was really into her grades and making sure she looked good so her father could in turn look good as well. I’d really like to see how she feels after the summer she just had! (Well the one in the book if that makes sense lol) Also I would see how things went for certain people she knew, but you’ll see that as you read it….. 

3. Vivi from When we Collided by Emery Lord: Vivi was a character that seemed to be all over the place. But it definitely wasnt’ her fault. I’d love to see how she is 10 years from now. If nothing else just to make sure she is ok. 

4. Denver from The Lifeboat Clique by Kathy Parks: I’d love to see how she is 10 years after the tsunami and the tragedy that came after it. I’m almost positive there would be a survivor’s special on tv anyways lol 

5. George from George by Alex Gino: I’d really love to see how her family accepted her and how they changed to learn more about her identity! 

6. Colton from Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby: Even though the main character was Quinn, I’d love to see what Colton is up to 10 years later. If his heart is still doing good and if there are any other changes to his health. 

7. Cloudy and Kyle from The Way Back to You by Mindi Scott & Michelle Andreani: I’d also include with this the peolple that they “met” along the way. If you read this when it comes out, you will understand. 

8. Harper from The Year We Fell Apart by Emily Martin: I was so interested in seeing how things finally worked out for them in the end. They had been best friends for a long time… Until they weren’t. I’d love to see if they’ve fixed everything in the future! 

9. Julia from Damage Done by Amanda Panitch: *SPOILER ALERT* I’d love to see if that person had ever been caught 10 years down the road. From the ending of this book, it doesn’t seem like they ever will be lol 

10. Oliver from Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway: This book was like a Lifetime movie. I’d love to see what Oliver is doing 10 years down the road. Just to see how he is adjusting to life now. 

Any of these characters you agree with? 
Any you would add to this list?

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 YA Characters I’d Love to see 10 Years after their book was Published!

  1. Have to say that these are all new to me characters!!

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    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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