TTT: Top 10 Books I Was Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books I Was Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read!

Cover Story by Susan Rigetti: I heard about this because I was randomly looking into Inventing Anna because a friend of mine mentioned she liked it. And because I’m me, (or so I think anyway) when I searched it on Google, this was one of the first results that came up. And because of that, I added it to my TBR. I placed it on hold and it’s come in for me like 4 times, but I’ve pushed it back each time. Why? Because something else bright and shiny came out and I had it at the time.

Mister Miracle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson: I really don’t have an excuse for this. I checked this out and had it for about 6 weeks. I just never sat down and read it because it’s been so hard for me to read physical books. Even the shorter ones like this are hard to get through.

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas: I heard from multiple sources that this book was super good before it even hit shelves. So what did I do? Add it to my TBR. And what did I do after that? Forget about it. When it came out I didn’t even request it. It’s just sitting there waiting for me. And we have the audio. I’ll get to it one day.

The Appeal by Janice Hallett: I was listening to someone talk about their favorite types of books, and they mentioned epistolary style books. They said they liked the ones with like case files and you know, things other than just letters. And this was one of the books that they mentioned. And they said it was about a murder mystery and had case files and that was all I needed. They also said to read the physical book, not even the e-book. So I checked it out. Had it for 6 weeks….. And that was as far as it got. I still have it on my TBR. I’ll get to it…. One day.

Summoning Up Love by Synithia Williams: I heard about this before it was released. And I’ve been so excited for something to fill my Ghost Brothers void. But what did I do? Bought it for my Kindle and then promptly forgot about it. SMH But since I just finished another romance that had some paranormal elements, maybe I’ll get to this soon.

Gone Dark by Amanda Panitch: As someone who LOVED her other two books, I had no intention of waiting to read this. As soon as I was approved for the e-ARC I was going to plow through this. Well as it turns out, I found out this was NOT another mystery/thriller but was instead a dystopian. So that made me push it back. And then a reviewer whom I really trust and we have really similar reading tastes, said she didn’t like it. So what did I do? I pushed it back. And I haven’t thought about it since. But now I’m thinking I should maybe at least give it a shot since I loved her other stuff…….

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory: I usually enjoy Jasmine’s books, so the way this came out, is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, and is a Black Romance and I didn’t blink an eye? Something is wrong with me. Gotta be. But I will get to it soon. I just got it from my library as an audio book, so I’ll probably read it when I finish my current audio.

My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding by Sajni Patel: I own this book in two formats. I even met the author at TLA. And yet here we are. Y’all know how I am about books with weddings. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten to this yet. I really hope to read it soon tho. (Someone tell the publisher we need this on audio!)

Fake It Till You Bake It by Jamie Wesley: I have been SALIVATING for this book since I heard about it. I’m pretty sure everyone has seen me post that freaking link where the football players now own a bakery in Austin, Texas. So I requested it. And I got an e-ARC. And now I’ve been sitting on it forever. But I’m going to get to it soon. This is actually going to be the first June ARC I read, so soon!

Priest by Sierra Simone: I have heard so many things about this. But I’m Catholic and I think this is why I’m hesitant on reading this. It’s hard to see me reading and loving this lol But I used my Audible credit to get it, so I’ll get to it…. One day lol

Have you read any of these? Any of them you think I need to stop and read right now?! Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Books I Was Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read!

  1. Mostly new to me ones here. The Hacienda is one that caught my eye recently and it’s already on my wishlist! Lol. Hope you can get around to reading these soon! It’s so hard, like nonreaders do not realize how hard not getting to every book is! I envy them that…that they don’t know that pain. Lol.

    Happy Reading!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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