TTT: Things that Make me Instantly NOT Want to Read a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Things that Make me Instantly NOT Want to Read a Book

-Anything featuring a character who suffers from addiction: Yes I understand that it’s a real thing, and yes I understand that real people have it, but after seeing a very close family member of mine deal with it in the real world, I don’t also want to read it in my books.

-Anything featuring a character who is into drugs: See above. Many of the books that I’ve ran into that deal with this I have probably DNFed on my Goodreads and marked it as “for personal reasons” That even includes popular or well known books or authors.

-Spiders: Listen arachnophobia is a real thing and I have it. I didn’t even like working at the branches and someone had me pull one on the pull list. They really freak me out and I would actually really like it if people started adding them as a trigger in their TW/CW lists.

-Insects: Same for other things like worms and roaches. Listen there is no reason these need to be in a story lol If you have them in yours, its likely I won’t read it. It really depends on how much of the content is in there! (Shout-out to Storygraph for having levels for their trigger warnings! If we’re not friends on here, add me bestie!!)

-Fat Shaming: If I’m reading your book and there’s fat shaming, I’m going to DNF it. Period. It’s 2023 why are we still doing this?

-The Black experience written by someone not Black: AGAIN I SAY, IT’S 2023 WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS?

-Racist “jokes”/outright racism written by someone that is not melanated: AGAIN I SAY!!!!

-Seeing you agree with any of those authors who have done the above or agreed with an author who stalked a reviewer or gone into reviewer spaces, and you wrote a book: You’ll end up on my GTFOH shelf.

-Ugly Covers: Ok listen, I know that this is subjective, but I have to be honest, I am actually a little shallow when it comes to covers. I will pass on it or even like push it back on my TBR if I don’t like the cover. I know it’s terrible, but I do it.

-If my Friends Have Read it and Didn’t like it: My friends and I have very different tastes, but there are a few who have almost the exact same way of thinking as me (Sarah, Anna, Emma) who always catch the things that I catch or see things the way I see them and our ratings usually align the same. So if they don’t like it, I know that I won’t. And then there’s another group of friends I have that don’t like certain things that have loved, so when they say they don’t like something, it’s usually proof that I will lol

What about you? Do we share any of the same reasons? Have you ever considered any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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