TTT: Favorite Romances!!!

As you know, I’m obsessed with romance! I don’t know the last time I’ve read a book without some type of Hot Bookish Boyfriend lol so with that being said, I’m VERY excited for this week’s TTT topic!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    
This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Favorite Romances
These are in no particular order.
Something Like NormalIf I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
1. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller: I don’t like many books that have a male protaganist, but Travis had a great voice and his love for Harper was so amazing!
And, Jesus, she’s a good kisser. So good I want to beat the hell out of whoever taught her.” 
2. If I Stay by Gayle Forman: I read this book in one sitting and I remember crying the entire way! Gah it was heart breaking, sad, and so sweet! I LOVED it! 
Please Mia,” he implores. “Don’t make me write a song. 
Stealing ParkerPushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)
3. Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally: I LOVE Kenneally’s books because they always teach a lesson! In this one you actually get two as well as an unforgettable romance. 
4. Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry: We all know I LOVE the stories with a bad boy and a goodie two shoes girl. And this story features both of those things! Noah is incredibly sexy and Echo is a sweetheart! You’ll love them as much as I did! 
Wrapping my arms around her, I walked her backward into the brick. “Tell me you chose me, Echo.”
She licked her lips. Those green eyes smoldered, calling me to her. “I chose you.
Time Between Us
5. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone: Although this is a time travel novel, it was so sweet I counted it as a contemporary romance as well. I loved Bennett and Anna and their love was so beautiful and real!
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with this information. Tell him to leave? Tell him to stay? But I don’t have time to consider any other alternatives, because he scoots in closer and brings his hands to my face, and I fall back into the bookcase as he kisses me with this intensity—like he wants to be here, and if he kisses me just long enough, deeply enough, none of what he just said will actually be true.
Anna and the French KissChain Reaction (Perfect Chemistry, #3)
7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: What can you NOT like about this book?! Anna is quirky and Etienne is gorgeous and so funny! This book takes the cake with light and fluffy contemps!
I’m saying I’m in love with you! I’ve been in love with you this whole bleeding year!” 
8. Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles: I loved this series. Every one of them was like my favorite book boyfriend for like a year lol But Luis was my overall favorite for some reason. 
We deserve each other, Luis … and I need you just as much as you need me. Hold me.”
He steps closer, but hesitates. 
“If I do, mi chava, I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go.
Rules of Attraction (Perfect Chemistry, #2)Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1)
9. Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles: I would be lying if I said that I didn’t love Carlos. He was a jerk at the beginning of the book,but he soon turned around. He too was amazing!
dear kiara,
The women in the shop told me that yellow rose represents friendship and red rose shows love. And the rosery is the only thing i own that i care for, its yours
i’m yours
10. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles: This is the book that first introduced me to Simone Elkeles writing. I remember crying the entire way through this series. I was hooked on the Fuentes brothers from the first time I met Alex and Brittany in Chemistry class. I love them! <3
You once said you loved me. Do you still?”
My sister is watching this exchange between us. She smiles warmly at me, giving me the strength to tell him the truth. “I never stopped loving you. Even when I tried desperately to forget you. I couldn’t.

8 thoughts on “TTT: Favorite Romances!!!

  1. Pushing the Limits and Beautiful Disaster ~ *sigh*… I'll have to check out the rest.. thanks for sharing!!

    Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind

  2. Mia and Adam are one of my all time favorites. I liked them in If I Stay, but in Where She Went they were incredible <3 I still need to read most of the books on your list, though I'm determined to read PTL, Time Between Us and the Perfect Chemistry series soon 🙂

  3. I've got Anna and Étienne on my list too! I absolutely love them!
    I really want to read If I Stay and Perfect Chemistry, because I've heard very good things about them, and they sound great.

  4. Great list! I assume you read Where She Went? I loved that one even more than the first.

  5. I'm reading Time Between Us now. So far it's really good and I'm glad to hear that it will get better. It sort of makes me want to read The Time Traveler's Wife now.

  6. I had Anna, Pushing the Limits, and If I Stay too! I haven't gotten the chance to read Stealing Parker yet but I can't wait too! Loved Catching Jordan. Great list this week 🙂


  7. So many wonderful romances. I loved Pushing the Limits!!! And Anna and the French Kiss! I should really read If I Stay.

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