Guess What?! I’m a Spring 2013 Ambuzzador!

     About 2 months ago I put in an application to be part of a group over at to help promote their website and the books they published  I wasn’t sure how things would go, so I just gave it a try. Then two weeks ago I got an email saying “Congratulations, you have been chosen to be an Ambuzzador for Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson!” I was super excited and bouncing around on the couch lol So then I was on pins and needles waiting on my pack to arrive from them. When it finally did, it came with

two copies of Strands of Bronze and Gold and 5 access codes to get whoever they go to A FREE BOOK! 
Now I know all of you like free books, soooooooooo here’s what I’m going to do for you. There is obviously more than one ARC of Strands of Bronze and Gold right there and I really want everyone to join RandomBuzzers because its a really fun site where you can take quizzes and answer questions and read author interviews and all that to get points for even more FREE BOOKS! So, here’s a giveaway for the second ARC. The access codes will be given to people on Twitter, first come, first serve. And you must be a new member. 
Click the picture to sign up at the site!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

8 thoughts on “Guess What?! I’m a Spring 2013 Ambuzzador!

  1. This is legit on my wishlist. I've been dying for it! Sent a review request and like… spontaneously combusting when my mail comes hoping it will show up! *fingers crossed*

  2. Oh. And I highly recommend The Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors. It's an ugly duckling re-telling! <3 And Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles will always impress obviously 😉

  3. I don't think I have read many retellings, but I like them in theory! I cannot honestly think of any! I know I read Kill Me Softly, but I didn't love it. OMG how horrible that I can't remember. lol That's it, I need to read more of these! Cinder is coming up soon so I will start there. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on being an ambuzzador!

  4. I really want this book! Looks so awesome(:

    My favorite retelling so far is Cinder by Marissa Meyer<3

  5. Congratulations on being an Ambuzzador 😀

    I really liked Beauty by Robin McKinley. It's obviously a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I don't know. It had an old feeling but was done really well. I'm actually going to start reading My Fair Godmother soon so that should be good (:

  6. I absolutely adore retellings, but one for Bluebread? This completely intrigues me! I hope it's as awesome as the cover makes it out to look. 😀

  7. Oooh, this website is pretty cool- thanks for showing it to me (and for the giveaway, this book is at the very top of my wishlist right now).

    Ella Enchanted was one of my favorite books growing up, and now I'm totally obsessed with the Lunar Chronicles series (like most people).

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her