Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Characters from Different Books Who Should Be Friends

Well this one is kind of a spoiler in Damned if You Do, so I won’t say the actual characters, but both of these characters have gotten in touch with a demon. And let’s just say things don’t turn out the way they think it will.

Hannah and Sloan I think would be great together. They could help each other find the truth in both of their stories. (Also I do mean this as the Sloan from the beginning, not the one at the end because yeahhhhhhhhh)

Now I don’t know if Bobbi and Elliot might be not friends, but they would be co-workers. I think Ama would be a little mad, but I think Bobbi would be relentless and he’d just say eff it and help her with the one wedding.

Both Maggie and Charity would need each other after being at some weird ass summer camps. I’m sure they both would love to sit and share their weird ass stories.

Eden and Bronwyn both have some weird ass things happen to them around water. They need better friends to convince them to never touch water again. (No but for real lol)

Nic and Percy both had parent issues and both lived in a fantastical world. I know the mythology and history were different, but I still think they would have a lot to lean on each other on for. These two could possibly be really good friends. (And they might be able to use each other’s strategies.

Erykah and B’onca both need mom friends. Even better when they’re around the same age. Trust me, us moms need each other. And I can’t imagine having no one else that REALLY gets what you’re going through. And these two are living the same life almost. I think they could really be good friends.

Summer and Celine might be friends because they were both social media influencers, BUT Summer is also Nice Nasty and Celine is just Nasty lol (meaning not nice. This is a YA book y’all!) So I don’t know if they’d be friends, but they could team up to work on content ideas. Or something.

Zora and Drew both own books stores. And both of them end up with an author. What’s that sound? “If i had a nickel for every time this happened, I’d only have two but it’s weird that it happened more than once” or something like that? Well yeah, that’s exactly what this means lol

Lily and Tara are both booknerds to the fullest and I think they would definitely be book besties. They don’t have the same tastes in books, but that’s the best part! They both could go to a signing together while their husbands sat and laughed or stayed home. (But Lily also bagged an author bae, so she got the best of both worlds lol )

What do you think? Would you put these characters together? Would you put them with someone else? Let me know in the comments!
OOoh nice ones! Can’t wait to read The Narrow for all the weird stuff! Lol!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
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