Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookish Jobs I Would Do for Free!
- Audiobook narrator: If I could learn how to do this and make it actually sound good, I would totes do it lol
- Proof Reader: I’m an English minor, so this would be light work lol
- Graphic designer: Covers are the reason why I might pick up a book, so this would be so much fun if I knew how to do it lol
- Professional YA Book Recc’er: I know some of you are like, “But you’re already a librarian!” And yeah I am, but I hardly ever recommend books to people anymore. For the most part, people come in the library and ask for computer help more than anything. I would be more than happy to have a day filled with people who just ask for specific tropes or specific topics.
- Librarian: I love my job and I would totes do it for free if I didn’t have to worry about supporting myself lol
- Content Creation: Another one I do for free. Which is why I try to keep it as fun only. I get enough of people telling me that I’m a groomer, pedophile, etc at work because I’m the person buying the books for teens that feature marginalized groups that they don’t like. I don’t want to bring attention to my channel and have those people come to personal stuff and find me or my family. I tolerate it at work because I have to. I DO NOT have to bring them to my family.
- Writing the story line for video games: I used to LOVE sitting there with my husband while he was gaming. I don’t necessarily watch him play, just more so watch him on story mode so I can follow the story because I am a bookish person lol
- Bookseller: I am purely doing this because I’m nosey. Just because I want to see how the other half lives lol
- Librarian to a Magical Library: This would be THE BOMB.COM. Like with magical artifacts and stuff is just so fun. I’m sure I would love it no matter what it is lol
- A Special Library: I don’t have a special library degree, but I saw that there’s a Hip Hop Music Collection here in Houston and I NEED to work there for at least a couple days because WOW

What about you? Have you ever thought about doing any of these? Let me know in the comments!