TTT: Book Titles That Would Make Great Newspaper Headlines

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Book Titles That Would Make Great Newspaper Headlines

-The Fall of Whit Rivera: Idk, it just sounds like something that would describe the like fall of a celebrity lol I know that sounds terrible, but I would totes read that lol
-A Holly Jolly Ever After: To me it sounds like something that might happen during the holiday season reunion between some family members or something

-Thieves’ Gambit: This sounds like something the Porch Pirates compete in. I would totes use this as a round-up of the more (for lack of a better word) creative ways they are trying not to get caught. (I used this because I am getting constant emails right now from my Nextdoor saying It’s Porch Pirate season lol)
-And Don’t Look Back: Could totes be an article or something about someone doing something and also escaping a bad situation at the same time.

-What Happened on Hicks Road: I think this one is pretty self explanatory lol
-How to Find a Missing Girl: This one is too. But I think it would be best to go up after there has been a successful recovery.

-Suddenly a Murder: Probably would be best as a tag line, but I think it would still get people’s attention lmao
-Numb to This: Memoir of a Mass Shooting: I think this is self explanatory as well.

-The Last Girls Standing: Hopefully this would be talking about a sports thing and not actually what it means for this book lmao
-Your Plantation Prom is Not Okay: Mainly because I KNOW alot don’t understand what it means when we say this and I think it would be really eye-catching if someone did put this as a headline. Especially where I’m from.

What about you? Have you read any of these? Do you think these would make good headlines? Let me know in the comments!

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