Teen Titans: Beast Boy by Kami Garcia (Art by Gabriel Picolo)

Paperback, 181 pages
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Published by: DC Ink
Read from: September 17-19, 2020

Teen Titans, #2
Source: Library

For fans of: Graphic Novels, Superhero cartoons, YA

    Garfield Logan has spent his entire life being overlooked. Even in a small town like Eden, Georgia, the 17-year-old with green streaks in his hair can’t find a way to stand out–and the clock is ticking. Senior year is almost over. If Gar doesn’t find a way to impress the Chosen Ones–the social elite at Bull Creek High School–he will never know what it’s like to matter. Gar’s best friends, Stella and Tank, don’t understand why he cares what other people think. They miss their funny, pizza-loving, video game-obsessed best friend.
     Then Gar accepts a wild dare out of the blue. It impresses the Chosen Ones and his social status soars. But other things are changing, too. Gar grows six inches overnight. His voice drops and, suddenly, he’s stronger and faster. He’s finally getting everything he wanted, but his newfound popularity comes at a price. Gar has to work harder to impress his new friends. The dares keep getting bigger and the stakes keep getting higher.
     When Gar realizes the extent of his physical changes, he has to dig deep and face the truth about himself–and the people who truly matter–before his life spirals out of control.


After reading Raven’s book, I was excited for Beast Boy. I’ve been waiting on this book for what feels like quite a while. But after getting my hands on it, I enjoyed it, but I was left wanting more.

Garfield has been overlooked all his life. He’s tried so many different things to be noticed, like getting green streaks in his hair, finding different ways to try and bulk up, and wishing and wishing to be taller. But his senior year is almost over and nothing he’s doing is working. But then one day he accepts an outrageous dare and then things get interesting…….

I liked this to an extent, but I did feel that there were some things that could have been better. Like the whole thing with Mike and the “friends”… They made them this huge part of the story and made them fight and stuff, but they didn’t have really resolve anything in the end. I just felt like there were some things missing.

As for the story of his origin, I did feel that Garcia captured it correctly. I had to look it up because I don’t remember seeing it in the cartoon, so I took the book’s word for it lol But whether it’s right or not, I thought it was still good, but super shady. And the way they are using H.I.V.E to get them all together, is super shady lol But it’ll be interesting to see how the next book, Beast Boy loves Raven will end up. Their romance is cute in the cartoon, so it’ll be interesting to see how close they can get it in the graphic novel.

As for the art, I did LOVED it. Picolo is AMAZING. There’s really nothing I can say to get you to really understand what I mean. I think this art is better than Raven too. In this one, Picolo gets to play more with Gar changing into different animals. The way he shows his transition is so cool. You can see that it hurts and that its not an easy thing to do. For someone like me who can’t draw, people who have awesome things like this fascinate me. I wish I could do things like this lol

This to me wasn’t like the Raven, but it was still good. I liked it for the most part, but there were some things I thought should have been changed. Let’s hope things are answered or resolved in the next installment of this series.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

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