Stacking the Shelves #169 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews. 

Slated (Slated, #1)Between
Went to the Dollar Tree near my house for more Easter decorations…. Soon as I walked in the door these two beauties ended up in my basket. I’ve heard some good things about both of them. And even if they aren’t amazing, they were only a freaking dollar lmao
The Power (Titan, #2)
This New Adult addition came out a couple weeks ago, but I just got paid so it was the first thing I bought! Can’t wait to see what else Seth gets into!

The Long Game (The Fixer, #2)
I finished reading this one last night. I went slow through the first 120 pages or so, but devoursed the rest las because I couldn’t put it down. I even had to order in dinner for the fiance because I was NOT cooking lol I can’t wait for this release so everyone can love it! 
For Review: 
I accidentally deleted the original picture of this one, so I used the one I posted to my Instagram! I received this book from Random House Kids! As y’all know I am a Wonder Woman enthusiast and anything and everything Wonder Woman wise will excite me! So of course when one of the publicists approached me via email to ask if I’d like to be on the blog tour for this, I immediately said YES! I was so excited I had to send her two e-mails because I sent the first one too early. Look out for my stop on the tour April 27th! 

What did you get this week?!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Update on me: I went out of town last weekend so I didn’t have time to read and as soon as I got back, I got sick. Normally me being sick would mean me reading and having a lot of reviews, but unfortunately, this time I had a scratch on my cornea (eye). It hurt to even open my eye for the first two days, so reading unless I was audiobooking it was out of the question. Thanks for being patient with me!  There’ll definitely be some reviews up next week starting Monday! 

Wednesday 03/23/16: WoW featuring Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories Edited by Stephanie Perkins
Friday 03/25/16: Follow Friday:  Short Stories and Novellas!

What went on at your blog this week?!

One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #169 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

  1. Oh no! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Nice new reads too! I still need to read The Return!! Ack, so behind!! And ooh those first two look intriguing! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her