Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller

e-Audio, 07:28:37
Narrated by: Dan Bittner
Release Date: October 4, 20220
Published by: Disney Press
Read from: October 11-12, 2022
Princes, #1
Source: Netgalley & Disney (I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Death, Violence, 
For Readers Interested In: Disney’s the Little Mermaid, Romance, Ghosts, Prince Eric, YA

      For fans of Twisted Tales and Villains is a brand new YA series that retells the classic Disney stories you thought you knew from the Disney Princes’ perspectives.
     Before Prince Eric’s mother, the Queen of Vellona, went missing two years ago, she reminded him about the details of the deadly curse that has plagued his entire life. The curse? If he were to kiss someone other than his true love, he would die. With a neighboring kingdom looking for any excuse to invade their shores, and rumors of ghost pirates lurking the seas, Eric is desperate for any information that may help him break his enchantment and bring stability to Vellona. The answers he has been searching for come to him in the form of a letter left from his mother that reveals Eric must find his true love, the one with a voice pure of heart,or kill the sea witch responsible for cursing him in the first place.
     Now Eric is on a quest to find the Isle of Serein, the witch’s legendary home. But after he is rescued by a mysterious young woman with a mesmerizing singing voice, Eric’s heart becomes torn. Does he enter a battle he is almost certain he cannot win or chase a love that might not even exist? And when a shipwrecked young woman with flaming red hair and a smile that could calm the seven seas enters his life, Eric may discover that true love isn’t something that can be decided by magic.


I came across an ARC of this when I went to TLA earlier this year. And I’ve been waiting on this to release ever since. It brought something up that I’ve never thought about before. What was the prince in every story thinking in all of these movies? What did Prince Eric think when he couldn’t find Ariel? What was Prince Charming thinking when Cinderella ran away? And now after reading this, I NEED THEM ALL. So y’all better at least borrow these from the library because I need them all to be made m’kay?

Now the number one thing I loved about this, was the new information that we got about Prince Eric. The story of his mom was not what I was expecting at all. (I really need to start reading the stupid synopsis, but I only skim them to go in not knowing anything.) Anyway, I thought the story of his mom was interesting, but I also thought him not telling all the people all these details made it seem a bit repetitive. I mean that even though he wasn’t telling them, he was still thinking about the details over and over. I’m probably not explaining this right, but I really felt like he was saying the same thing over and over. I also felt like the emotion of him could have been a little more done. It seemed like it was more telling than showing. I just mean for someone who lost their parent it felt a lot like, “I’m sad BUT……”

I also really loved the parts that I recognized from the Disney movie. So what, call me basic, I don’t care. But this was so cool. I never thought about what Eric thought about when he couldn’t find Ariel. He was walking around thinking he was crazy when he couldn’t find the girl who sings with the red hair. I can’t imagine trying to tell someone that and they didn’t believe him. Also I loved seeing little tidbits I saw from the movie and was like why did that even happen? Like the statue that was in her cave? lmao I always wondered how she got it in there so quickly. And of course I was swooning during the Kiss the Girl scene. So stinking cute. And lastly, the wedding scene from Eric’s POV seemed so much funnier than the movie. From the seagull to the cake part, it was just really hilarious to me. This was the scene that made me want to watch the movie again. I LOVED it.

The plot of this was what got a little wonky. It was all over the place. Like I said there was some weird times where he was like saying the same things over and over. And when he finally started getting somewhere with that stupid myth or whatever, it started getting weird. Being on the ship and everything else. Idk maybe it was just me, but it was just really all over the place. Too many people doing too many things. If that makes sense. It may have also been the fact that I was listening to this so fast, but I listen to all my audios fast, so I’m not sure that was the reasoning.

If you’ve ever been interested in the Disney princesses, please don’t hesitate to dive into the world of the Disney Princes. This book was so fun! I can’t wait to see what other Prince she uses and what happens in their POV of their story. I know I’m not the only one who never thought about what they thought before. If you have, let me know in the comments!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her