Neon Gods by Katee Robert

e-Audio, 10:40:04
Narrated by: Zara Hampton-Brown  & Alex Moorcock
Release Date: June 1. 2021
Published by: Dreamscape Media, LLC
Read from: August 19-24, 2021
Dark Olympus, #1
Source: Overdrive Audio
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Fantasy, Re-tellings, Greek Mythology, Adult, TikTok Recs

  He was supposed to be a myth. But from the moment I crossed the River Styx and fell under his dark spell… he was, quite simply, mine.
     Society darling Persephone Dimitriou plans to flee the ultra-modern city of Olympus and start over far from the backstabbing politics of the Thirteen Houses. But all that’s ripped away when her mother ambushes her with an engagement to Zeus, the dangerous power behind their glittering city’s dark facade.
     With no options left, Persephone flees to the forbidden undercity and makes a devil’s bargain with a man she once believed a myth… a man who awakens her to a world she never knew existed.
     Hades has spent his life in the shadows, and he has no intention of stepping into the light. But when he finds that Persephone can offer a little slice of the revenge he’s spent years craving, it’s all the excuse he needs to help her—for a price. Yet every breathless night spent tangled together has given Hades a taste for Persephone, and he’ll go to war with Olympus itself to keep her close…
     A modern retelling of Hades and Persephone that’s as sinful as it is sweet.

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*This book is part of the new adult contemporary romance genre! It is more mature than YA. I have featured it in Between the Covers as a way to feature the few Adult and New Adult titles I am beginning to read!”


If you know me, you know that re-tellings are my Kryptonite. I LOVE them. Whether it’s mythology, fairy tales, classics, whatever, I will read it. So when I saw this one come up on Tik Tok, I knew I needed to get my hands on it. (Also note to self, read the synopsis first lol Don’t be like me.)

Persephone is a girl in high society that many people in Olympus know. After heareing of her engagement to the dark and murderous Zeus, she flees the city leaving everything she knew behind. She runs right into the lower city where she meets Hades. Before this she had always thought he was just a myth, but he just spent his life in the background after all the things that had happened to him as a kid. As the lower city is threatened because of Persephone’s actions, they find out more about each other and he realizes he’ll do whatever he can to keep her safe. Even if that means going to war.

A lot of y’all who’ve read this are probably going to talk about me…. Like “no one reads this for THAT” lol BUT I don’t usually read books with this much steam. The only reason I got sucked into it this time was TikTok and it’s mythology lol I’m a sucker for mythology. But ANYWAY, I wasn’t a fan of the world building. There were mentions of the upper and lower city, but nothing describing them. I had to make up my own thinking of how the cities looked like. As a reader this mattered to me.

Then there was the narrator. I was not a huge fan of the person who was Hades. For some reason everytime I listened to the first few chapters that had him, I would fall asleep. Idk his voice was just too good or something and it soothed me to sleep. I finally made it through, but it was just weird. And it only happened on HIS chapters. With hers I was just fine. Idk what it was.

As for the romance, it was a definite 5 on the spice scale. (On mine anyway) And like I said, I do not usually read and review these, but this one is so popular right now, I wanted to be able to let everyone know about the book. So basically, if you’re not looking for erotica, you don’t want to read this one. It’s explicit and goes into a lot of detail. But the thing I like about it though is it still has some plot. It wasn’t constant spice which is the case a lot of the time with books on my Level 5, but this one did. For instance, I was still entertained without the spice. I could skip over the spice and I still would have enjoyed it.

The re-telling aspect was another thing that I really liked. I loved seeing some of the little bits of the Hades/Persephone story come up and the different ways they did it. SPOILER: Her safe word was POMEGRANATE. END SPOILER. There were other things that came up throughout the story, but you gotta read it to find out what they were!

This book isn’t anything I would usually read and review, but you can blame this one on TikTok. And let me tell you….. I have already requested an e-ARC of the second book. I told you, I am a sucker for mythology and this series has GOT me.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her