e-Audio, 08:26:33
Narrated by: Reba Buhr
Release Date: May 7, 2024
Published by: Melissa de la Cruz Studio
Read from: May 1-2, 2024
Like Me Block You, #2
Source: Library’s Libby
Content Warning: Death, Fire
For Readers Interested In: True Crime, Thriller, Mystery, YA, Multiple POVA Good Girl’s Guide to Murder meets Knives Out in this haunting YA thriller. To redeem herself, true crime TikToker Amanda Pruitt spends the summer in Colorado investigating a murder that seems open and shut. But when two crimes—one past, one present—intertwine, Amanda becomes the main suspect.
Amanda Pruitt needs redemption. She is the one, after all, who turned her sister in for murder and anonymously broadcasted her trial to millions on TikTok. And she was wrong. Her sister is innocent, making Amanda the villain—not the hero—all along.
So when her childhood best friend’s mom is arrested for murdering an eccentric billionaire and refuses to give a statement, Amanda decides to help solve the crime. This could be her second chance. If she can use her TikTok to get the public on her friend’s side, the police will have to reopen the investigation.
The plan? Stay the summer with her aunt who is the concierge at the Summit, a historic (read: haunted) hotel in the mountains that also happens to be the scene of the crime. Investigate the billionaire’s murder. Win back her estranged bestie Vince.
Not the plan? See a ghost. Fall for Vince. Black out and lose 15 minutes of her life. Wake up to find the dead body of a frenemy.
Amanda and Vince must work together to find the killer, or Amanda risks going down for a murder she isn’t quite sure she didn’t commit. Set in a possibly haunted hotel and including TikTok interstitials, this is the perfect follow up to Live Your Best Lie.
As soon as I heard about this book I was excited. I LOVED her first one. But while reading it, I knew it just wasn’t going to hit the same. It definitely reminded me to stop building things up in my head. It wasn’t a disappointment, but it just wasn’t what i thought it was going to be.
Especially the haunted angle. Y’all know I’m a horror girlie through and through, so I was expecting to find some of the like ghost or something. Like make it scary. But no, it was some weird like theory about slipping through time. And while it sounded cool, it didn’t really scratch the itch for the horror part if that makes sense. So because that was a wash, I was hoping for a great mystery.
And I’m glad the mystery was actually good. I loved the way it was a historical mystery as well as a modern one. It wasn’t really a great distinguisher, but it was so much fun to read. I also loved the way Weaver framed the hotel. I’m a HUGE fan of settings in books, but even more so when it’s haunted lol And this old hotel with no updated anything sounded amazing. I would have loved to go and look through the rooms and find all the connections.
The last thing I didn’t actually care for was the ending. In the last one it ended and then we find out everything we thought we found out was a lie. This one isn’t the case. And it drove me crazy. It was so like plain lol I don’t really get it I guess. The last one was SO GOOD. But this one ended and it was just done. There didn’t seem like there was actually a lie. And that was when I thought it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I hope there’s more in this series. (Also, I listened to this, so if I zoned out and someone caught something I didn’t, please tell me. I’m still in denial that this one didn’t end the way I wanted it to lol)
This book wasn’t what I expected, but it wasn’t bad either. I wanted more than this. Even the TikTokers weren’t enough for me to love this book. I usually love social media in thrillers, but this one wasn’t as involved as the last one, so it was really just like eh for me. But even still, would I read it again? Yes. And I just might, if nothing else to see about that ending one more time lol
Overall, I give this