Book Blogger Hop: Mental Health Awareness Month

This one is enlightening. I’m probably going to be recommending this book for the rest of forever (no pun intended haha) I just REALLY resonated with Sadie. There is so much bad happening outside around the world. Car pile ups, Black people being killed by the cops, natural disasters, and so much more. After the pandemic I started feeling the same way she did. If I stay in the house, I won’t get sick. I was also pregnant at the time, so that made it so much worse. I was obsessing over hand washing, wearing a mask, and spraying down door handles and everything else. (My husband still worked outside the home) It was a long while before I finally got my courage up to go outside again. And till this day, I would still rather be at home. I don’t even like going to the grocery store. AND THEN the author posted something yesterday that I also resonated with. Her post had me going to Google because I had never known that there was an actual name for what I do or might have. She said it was how she presented, but it was also me to a T. Reading that I was in awe and also flabbergasted lmao I had never been read like that in my life.

What about you? Have you read this? Will you read it now? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Mental Health Awareness Month

  1. Oh nice! I can imagine how scary it could be to be pregnant during the height of the pandemic! At that time I worked in an office where I had to go in every day and we had a set of people who were going out and tending to all the customers who had to be open as well and then come back. Luckily my interactions with them were usually just mornings before they went out…but if they work everyday I was still exposed to all their germ encounters even with mask protocols. Luckily, I did end up changing jobs for a time when things were somewhat moderate. Those were definitely scary years!

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    Old Follower 🙂

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