Have you ever participated in Nanowrimo? If yes, how did it go?

I have not participated in Nanowrimo before. I’m a reader, not a writer. I mean yeah I write my reviews and stuff, but as far as writing a story, I don’t think I could. I did when I was younger, but as I got older I realized my real passion was reading the stories other people came up with. I have a lot of plot ideas, but I always put them out in the ether and hope someone else writes them, because I could never do it justice.

What about you? Do you write? Have you done Nanowrimo? Or are you lie me? Let me know in the comments!
I’ve never done it myself either. I’ve had drafts that were mostly done that just need some serious tweaking which is where I’m at now. I need to try to refine my first manuscript and go agent querying again, but it sounds so daunting to me still after all these years of taking a break!
Here’s my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂