Book Blogger Hop: Bookish Listens!

What is your favorite bookish podcast? What do you like about it?

I don’t really listen to many podcasts, and when I do, they’re mostly True Crime ones. I was interested in starting one with a co-worker at one time, and for research I was listening to:

  1. Black Chick Lit
  2. Hey YA
  3. Scholastic Reads (Because they had that Harry Potter one and I HAD to listen to it)

What about you? Have you listened to a Bookish podcast? Do you recognize any of these? Let me know in the comments!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her