Book Blogger Challenge Day 5: Tear-jerkers!

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Since this is such a cool idea, let’s thank April for doing this! Big props to her. She’s at Good Books, Good Wine and she made the entire thing up!) I know you would like to participate too! There will be a sign up on each day of the challenge. (Sign up here for the fifth challenge!)

Recommend a tear jerker!

     (I know everyone’s going to go with The Fault In Our Stars, so I’m going to go with something hopefully different from everyone else.)

     For my book I chose If  I Stay by Gayle Forman.  I remember reading this book in one sitting. It was just that good. As for crying, I cried during the accident, during her memories, and while everyone was trying to convince her what she should do. The story is just so poignant and moving. I fell in love with Mia and Adam and even all the supporting characters. After reading it I remember thinking if I was ever in that situation what I would live for. It will really make you step back and think about what you’re thankful for. 

Have you read this? 
Did it make you cry?

Day 1     Day 2     Day 3     Day 4

9 thoughts on “Book Blogger Challenge Day 5: Tear-jerkers!

  1. Oh man. I haven't read this one either, because I've heard it's an emotional one! I will crack eventually and get it though because everyone says such great things about it!

  2. A lot of people recommended this.. I guess I'll have to push it up my TBR pile! Thanks for the recommendation! 🙂

    ~ Hira @ Views & Reviews

  3. I haven't read If I Stay yet. Tearjerkers aren't my favorite type of books just because I can't handle them really well. But I do want to read this one . . . sometime. When I'm emotionally ready.

  4. Thank you I've been thinking about reading this one because I love the idea behind Where She Went but If I Stay didn't capture me the same way.
    Hearing good things of If I Stay makes me want to read it now, even if tears may be included.

  5. I haven't read this one yet, either! Looks like a lot of us are moving it up on the TBR.

  6. There are so many recommendations for If I stay that I'm starting to think, after visiting all the challenge posts of today I'm going to purchase it on Amazon so I can start immediately.

    Day 5 Challenge Post

  7. A couple other people have mentioned that this book is a tear jerker. I haven't read anything by her, yet, but I need to get on that!


  8. I have a copy of this, but know I need to be in the right mood for it. Someday soon, I promise! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ooo….I just "read" (and by read I mean listened) to this one recently…AT WORK!!!! I didn't cry, but I did tear up! Very good pick!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

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