Book Blogger Challenge Day 3: Blogging BFF’s

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Since this is such a cool idea (big props to her, she made the entire thing up!) I know you would like to participate too! There will be a sign up on each day of the challenge. (Sign up here for the third challenge!)

My Blogging BFF’s:
-Jessica from Lovin Los Libros: This chick understands me more than most. We talk on Twitter all the time and I know if I have ANY questions, she’s always there to answer them. She always has a book recommendation for me no matter what I’m looking for…. Even if she hasn’t read the book yet lol 

-Sara from Forever 17 Books: Me and Sara started talking a long time ago when both of us were newbies in the blogging game. Now about 2 years later, we still go back and forth commenting on each other’s blog and talking on Twitter and just being great lol

-Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes: It seems like such a looooong time ago when Jen let me borrow her copy of Deity. She knew my addiction of Aiden and didn’t judge me at all lol She just knew what I was going through and sent it to me. Afterwards, she obviously became one of my BFF’s. I mean you can’t let someone lend you a J.L. Armentrout book and not love them forever in return. Now we trade books back and forth and I’d give her anything if I could. 

-Lili from Lili’s Reflections: We met through ARCycling and then after that we began trading books that we really wanted on Twitter. It’s come to a point now that she’s the first person I think of when I want to trade something. 

-Molli from Once Upon a Prologue: We bonded over Twitter. She was asking about giving away an ARC copy of The Archived (yes she’s THAT amazing) and I ended up being the first person to respond, thus being the person she picked to give it to. I remember DM-ing her on Twitter and fangirl-ing about the novel. Then later on as we continued following each other, I realized that we actually had the same thoughts about a lot of books. And ever since, I just thought she was one of the coolest people ever! lol 

So, who are your blogging BFF’s?!

7 thoughts on “Book Blogger Challenge Day 3: Blogging BFF’s

  1. I have nothing but positive things to say about Sara @ Forever 17 Books. I love her blog too! Beautiful design.

  2. I visit Jessica quite often too, and I agree she's a really nice blogger. I don't really know your other blogger BFFs, so I'll have to go check out their blogs right now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a beautiful day, Nikki!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  3. You are the sweetest! <333 I totally missed out on doing this Blogger Challenge but what fun! I love stopping by your blog and seeing what your up to and reading. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Like I told you last night at 2am when I should have been sleeping but really was devouring my latest book- this made me cheesy grin! I love chatting with you- and recommending books I've never read to you! HAH! Hey, as long as they're not bad- it works, yeah? ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for thinking of me chica- it means the world!

  5. I'm totally jealous you have so many lol Great post!

  6. I've only corresponded with Molli and she's fantastic, really helpful and she's so sweet when you comment on her posts. I'll be checking out the other bloggers on your list ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. I think Jen from Jenuine Cupcake is so sweet too ! You can tell she has a real passion for books.

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