Book Blogger Challenge Day 11: My 5 Fave Blog Posts!

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Since this is such a cool idea, let’s thank April for doing this! Big props to her. She’s at Good Books, Good Wine and she made the entire thing up!) I know you would like to participate too! There will be a sign up on each day of the challenge. (Sign up here for the eleventh challenge!)

My 5 Best Blog Posts:

  1. TTT: Places I’d Kill to Visit!: I love this one because it shows my favorite bookish places. The crazy thing is, after a year and some time, those are still my fave bookish places!
  2. My first Beyond the Book post: I chose this one because it has a personal connection between me and a book. I love how I was able to incorporate a quote from the book and a quote from my review and place them together. (Be on the look-out for my next Beyond the Book post next Monday!) 
  3. My review of Golden by Jessi Kirby. At the time I read this, my aunt had just passed away. That further drove home the point of the novel, what do you plan on doing with your life. There’s so many things I want to do, and this novel reminded me I don’t have much time.
  4. TTT: Fave bookish memories: Just like with number 2, I love how this has a personal connection with me and books. It definitely shows how passionate I am about them.
  5. Follow Friday: That time I was the feature! It was amazing too because it was the perfect question. “What is the first thing you would do if you woke up to find yourself in your favorite book? ” Of course I chose Harry Potter and Quidditch! 
Send me a link, I want to see YOUR 5 fave posts!

3 thoughts on “Book Blogger Challenge Day 11: My 5 Fave Blog Posts!

  1. I'll definitely check these posts out! I love the idea behind Beyond the Book. I haven't read any of Jessi Kirby's books, but they do intrigue me.

  2. I love the posts you chose 🙂 Isn't it great when you have that personal connection and it feels like an author was writing especially for you? And yes, big shout-out to April, this has been an amazing challenge so far!

  3. Great posts! I really like seeing the other memes and challenges people participate in that maybe I should jump on board for. 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her