Top Ten Bookish Places I’d KILL to Visit

This meme is hosted by The Broke and Bookish This week just happens to be a freebie. (It was originally scheduled for the Top Ten authors you’d like to see on a reality show.) 

Now normally I do Teaser Tuesday posts on Tuesdays, but this week I went looking around at everyone’s lists and it looked like everyone was having so much fun making up topics or saying that they envisioned Suzanne Collins on Survivor… (Seriously I saw that 3 times lol) So I decided to give it a try. So without further ado… Here’s my list (which is in no particular order):

Top Ten Bookish Places I’d LOVE to visit

1. The wonderful world of Harry Potter: Ok, so I had 4 places in his world that I would KILL to visit so I just combined them. A: HoneyDukes. (The one in the book, not the one in Fla lol) If you know me, you know that I am a HUGE sweets fiend so this is definitely fitting. If given, I would literally try EVERYTHING at least once lol. B:Hogwarts itself. Just all the magic going on and the moving staircases… Ahhh I would love to be there. C: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Only because the twins were some of my favorite characters and because I would love to use some of their wheezes at my job or school to go home early lol and last but not least, D: I would love to go to the Quidditch World Cup Arena! Just because I’ve always been a HUGE sports buff and I’d love to see the crowd and the competion and all those tents while people waited for it to begin like they were tailgating! 
Exterior of Weasleys Wizards Wheezes shop.JPG                           
2. The Dauntless Compound: From Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I know, seems dark, but I would love to go and see the underground river and all the technology they have. I’d love to be able to play with all the simulations and computers and things they have. (But don’t be afraid of me, I’d only use it for good!)
3.The Downworlder world in NYC, London, and I’m pretty sure LA too from The Mortal Instruments series, the Infernal Devices, and coming soon, the Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare. I would just love to see all the different Downworlders and hang out with them all. And I would love to see all the Shadowhunters  Runes (or tattoos) in person. I am pretty sure they are HOT lol
4.The Star of Paris to make a wish: From Anna and the French Kiss by Stepahnie Perkins…. But I would HAVE to go with St. Clair *SWOON* Nuff Said…..

5. CAMP HALF BLOOD! From the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. He is easily one of my favorite authors. He created a mythological world that I am jealous I couldn’t be apart of. To be able to meet all the gods and goddesses in person?! I would trade places with Annabeth in a heartbeat. 
                                               Cabins at camp half-blood.jpg 

6. The Island from Beauty Queens: Only because I would love to watch them try and survive and go through the things they did (Physically and emotionally). I would especially like to see how they would handle the plane crash. All those Beauty Queens and their prissiness lol I can only imagine. 

7. Godspeed the spaceship: from Across the Universe by Beth Revis. I am honestly a technology geek! I love getting new gadgets and seeing how they do things. So, I’d love to go in and tinker with the way the ship is ran as well as go in and see where the freezing of the passengers was done. 
8. Anna’s house from Anna Dressed in Blood: Call me a weirdo, but I LOVE Haunted stuff. I would love to go and do a real life Ghost Hunters investigation there. Just to see what I came up with.

9. Panem and the Capitol: From the Hunger Games series. Just to see what it all looks like. The world Collins created is a truly unique one that I would love to explore. (And I would love to see some tracker jackers up close…. Well with some glass or something between us that is lol
10. Anywhere that Logan Keely (ghost or not) is singing at: From the Shade series by Jeri Smith-Ready. But he has to be singing an original song for me…. Move over Aura, Nikki is here! lol 

Well, here is my list! Hope you loved it! Please leave me a link to your Top 10 or just comment and let me know where you would KILL to visit or if you would go to some of the same places!  

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Bookish Places I’d KILL to Visit

  1. Great list! My cousin/co-blogger and I love Cassandra Clare's books, and we're always going on about how we wish we could hang out with the Shadowhunters, lol.

    Thanks for stopping by our Top Ten!

  2. This is an awesome list. There are so many books that just suck you into their setting and it would be amazing to visit them for real.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her