TTT: Top Books That Were Hard for me to Read In Public!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   
This week’s topic is:
 Top 10 Books that were Hard for me to Read in Public!
     We’ve all had those books that made us turn red in the face, laugh out loud like a maniac, or even just have one of those covers that make people raise an eyebrow… So, here’s my list of those reads. Because these two scenarios seem to happen to me all the time lol
The ones with embarrassing covers/ that make you turn red in the face: 
1. Wait for You series by J. Lynn:  (Since I’m splitting up my list, I’m gonna count this one as one.) Since these are J. Lynn books, I can never put them down! I’m always stuck in them, putting everything else off; like life, sleeping, etc. But taking these babies out and reading them in public is kind of weird. I hate being in public reading a “really good” part and someone asks “What you reading?” Or “What’s that about?” I’m pretty sure they can see my face that’s already super red lol
Foreplay (The Ivy Chronicles, #1)Tease (The Ivy Chronicles, #2)Wild (The Ivy Chronicles, #3)
2. The Ivy Chronicles series by Sophie Jordan: As if the content wasn’t enough for you to blush in public, the covers (AND the titles!) for Foreplay and Tease made all my co-workers look at me with the eyebrows raised. And every last one of them asked the same question… “Is that like that 50 Shades book?” Ugh the embarrassment! lmao I haven’t even read 50 Shades!
Two Boys Kissing
3. Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan: This one has nothing to do with the content, but everything to do with the title. I’m not the nicest person in the world if you interrupt my reading, but when I read this one, I had every last person that noticed it ask me why I was reading this since I wasn’t a guy or homosexual. New flash, this isn’t one of those books. The writing is gorgeous and it saved so many people. In more ways than you could even think.
All Lined Up (Rusk University, #1)
4. All Lined Up by Cora Carmack: Soooo, there’s nothing wrong with this cover, but again, the content in this one will make you turn red as an apple. And I did. While I was waiting on a ride. So, everyone that asked me if I would be ok waiting looked at me and asked was I ok. It was pretty embarrassing lol
The ones that will make you LITERALLY lol:
Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend (Broken Hearts & Revenge, #1) 
6. Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn: If you’ve read this, you should know that this book is HILARIOUS. (Well until you reach the end…) I laughed so many times while reading this. And of course it caused people to stare at me smh
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)
7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: Let’s be honest… This has to be everyone’s favorite Rom Com like EVER. I laughed so much while reading this. SO glad I was on vacation when I was reading it so all the stares I got were from people I didn’t know lol
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1)
8. Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan: I know this is two different series by him, but I’m cheating again lol Both of these I’ve read and loved. Mostly because of how hard I was laughing while I read this. When I read the Lightning Thief I was in the hospital visiting my aunt. Of course it was weird that I kept laughing out loud, but I’m glad she understood lol
Rebel Belle
9. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins: Harper is a real Southern Belle, so when all these like kick ass things start happening to her, she doesn’t know what to do at first. This made me laugh out loud because it was such a contradiction! Harper is kick ass, but it all started over some lip gloss!
How My Summer Went Up in Flames
10. How My Summer Went up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski: I’m sure you can tell by the cover that this one is HILARIOUS. That scene with the girl holding the gas can next to a car and the flames that the book is talking about actually happened. Please be careful and don’t read this on your work break like I did.
What books make you swoon so hard you blush?
What book made you crack up in public? 

2 thoughts on “TTT: Top Books That Were Hard for me to Read In Public!

  1. Oh nice! Yeah, I was actually embarrassed to read Jeaniene Frost's books in public, not so much her Night Huntress series, but the Night Huntress World books. You know the ones where the guy is either gripping the girl bodily or being close to her neck…all scantily clothed? Yeah…those required hide-a-covers, because if my friend from my part time job at the time saw me reading a book with that cover, I'd never hear the end of it!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. LMAO I completely understand that! I'm in the same boat with my picks! I even get questionable looks from the boyfriend now smh

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