Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Character’s I’d Like to Go on Vacation With

-Any of the family from The Reappearance of Rachel Price. I feel like they’re going some really weird places now that they’re not…. Well, I would just like to go with them lol
-Justin seems to have fun, but Emma probably goes some cool places as a traveling nurse
-Sorry, but I’mma say Rome. Obviously vacay with him is fun lol
-Any of them in Give Me a Sign. Summer camp always seems fun…. Until you’re there.
-Any of them in Good as Gold. They’re basically pirates and I need their help finding all the b00ty lol
-Any of the characters in Dragonfruit. I love the water and I love the lore so far. Can’t wait to keep reading it!
-Raiders of the Lost Heart may have some weird cringey romance, but I have to admit they went to this really cool place and I really think it would be fun to go back to visit.
-I know this seems weird, but I think the characters in A Drop of Venom could be there to come with me and help me find the beasts and things to stay away from lol
-In The Catch she’s an influencer. I’m sure going anywhere with her can get her pretty sweet deals and even free stuff.
-The Partner Plot is here because Violet has some really bomb clients. I need to go with her on some work trips. Will it be work for her? Yes. For me? No, so I’d count it as vacation lol

What about you? Have you read any of these? Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice picks and reasonings! I basically just chose characters I thought I’d get along with! Lol!