TTT: Favorite Books With Paranormal Settings

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books with “Paranormal” Settings
*These are in no particular order.

     Lately I’ve been looking for realistic fiction books, but I can not get away from my favorite types of books, paranormal romance! Here are 10 books that I LOVE that feature a world that’s over run with paranormal creatures! 
Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly, #1)The Weight of SoulsSoul Screamers Volume One (Soul Screamers, #0.5-2)
1. Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard: For this to be a historical setting as well, I really liked it. I just wish there was a bit more world building so I could really look into their zombie infested world! 
2. The Weight of Souls by Bryony Pearce: This world is over run with ghosts. And they’re all trying to get in contact with one person. The scary part? They’re not always nice. 
3. Soul Screamers Series by Rachel Vincent: I love this series because it has bean shides (or banshees) and that’s unlike anything I’ve ever read. What makes this world even better is the fact that there are multiple paranormal things (like demons and other stuff) and it completely makes the story. 
Shade (Shade, #1)The Dead and BuriedThe Beautiful and the Cursed
4. Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready: I love this world because not only does it have ghosts, but it has ghosts that sing. Logan is still one of my favorite book boys ever. 
5. The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington: Here’s another book ina world of ghosties. What makes it better is this ghost is a really mean one. One that is taking over little boys… I have to admit, I was scared when I read this. 
6. The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan: I loved this book for two reasons. Forbidden love and gargoyles. I’m so happy that Morgan decided to branch out from the norm. With this book, she opened me up to a whole new world. One with the presence of gargoyles that protect the humans that live in their houses.  
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)Time Between Us (Time Between Us, #1)Hex Hall (Hex Hall Series #1)
7. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake: This one HAD to make my list. I love that there was so much back story in this. It showed that Anna wasn’t the only ghost and that there were other things out there in that paranormal world just waiting for Cass t find. 
8. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone: He. Can. Time. Travel. I remember thinking after I read this what I could do with this power. So many things I would go back and re live. But call me a nerd, but instead of concerts like Bennett, I would go to like book signings or something since I’ve never been to one lol
9.  Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins: In this paranormal world, there’s some of everything. And what makes it better, the main character is not your average creature. It’s pretty cool to think about all of those creatures sharing a school and co-habitating in the same place. 

Embrace (The Violet Eden Chapters #1)
10. Embrace by Jessica Shirvington: I fell for this book because of the whole angel aspect. For the longest time angels were my favorite paranormal creature reads and I’m not even sure why lol But the world building in this book has it all, including a world over run by angels, both good and bad. 
Sisters Red (Fairytale Retellings, #1)
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce: I thought this book was meh, but I chose it because it was a re-telling but it also had a paranormal creature, the werewolf. In this world, they are every where and the two “Sisters Red” must go and save them. 
Crash (Visions, #1)
Crash by Lisa McMann: As much as I didn’t like her writing style, I still did like the paranormal world that McMann developed. I thought it was pretty cool the way her the visions worked and everything. I would love to have that power. 

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her