Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

e-Audio, 11:23:12
Narrated by: Kyla Garcia & Zachary Webber 
Release Date: April 11, 2023
Published by: Hachette Audio
Read from: April 10-16, 2023
Part of Your World, #2
Source: Library’s Libby
TW: Chronic kidney disease, divorced main character whose ex husband cheated, depression, clinical anxiety, and mention of pregnancy loss and suicide.
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Adult, LOL, Epistolary, Fake Dating

     A novel of terrible first impressions, hilarious second chances, and the joy in finding your perfect match.
     Dr. Briana Ortiz’s life is seriously flatlining. Her divorce is just about finalized, her brother’s running out of time to find a kidney donor, and that promotion she wants? Oh, that’s probably going to the new man-doctor who’s already registering eighty-friggin’-seven on Briana’s “pain in my ass” scale. But just when all systems are set to hate, Dr. Jacob Maddox completely flips the game . . . by sending Briana a letter.
     And it’s a really good letter. Like the kind that proves that Jacob isn’t actually Satan. Worse, he might be this fantastically funny and subversively likeable guy who’s terrible at first impressions. Because suddenly he and Bri are exchanging letters, sharing lunch dates in her “sob closet,” and discussing the merits of freakishly tiny horses. But when Jacob decides to give Briana the best gift imaginable—a kidney for her brother—she wonders just how she can resist this quietly sexy new doctor . . . especially when he calls in a favor she can’t refuse. 


I’ve stated many times here that I’m a huge fan of Abby Jimenez. I think I’ve read literally everything she’s written. She’s amazing. She always plays on my emotions and for some reason I just love that lol So when this one was coming out, I didn’t really read what it was about, I added it to my TBR without any hassle. And after reading this, I think I will continue to do so.

So of course like every other Jimenez book, this book brought me to tears. That ending was a bit of a surprise. I knew there was something that had to have happened, but I wasn’t ready for what it was. And the fact that the MMC also had some family and life challenges, I was a mess. This book definitely made me feel things, so if you’re not ready for that, make sure you get ready.

The romance was cute, but I was really pissed about a lot of it to be honest. Like it just didn’t make any sense to me. They spent this whole time writing letters to each other back and forth and using it to get to know each other, etc. But for whatever reason, they didn’t just use that same method of communicating. Because listen the third act was basically them mad at each other for something they would only have known if they had talked about it. It made no sense. They kept telling themselves things in their mind but no one decided to do the work until the end.

I will say the mental health aspect was gold. I could definitely relate to the anxious mess that was Jacob. Literally everything that he did I found solace in the fact that this was something I also do. And the way Briana helped talk him through it, and did things with him that people don’t usually do. I was glad he had her there. It was very sweet to watch them fall for each other.

I knew this was going to be a winner as soon as I saw the author’s name. Abby has a way of tearing your heart apart, but then putting it back together. But sometimes the road to getting there is a bit rocky. And that’s exactly how I felt about this. No it wasn’t my favorite of hers, but it was super good and kept me entertained all the same. (And like did Abby get even funnier or something? Because I think I had a stitch in my side from laughing during the family dinner lmao)

Overall, I give this

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