You Bet Your Heart by Danielle Parker

e-Audio, 07:30:29
Narrated by: Chandler Gregoire
Release Date: May30, 2023
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: April 6-11, 2023
Source: PRH App
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Racial/Ethnic Diversity, Religious Diversity (Jewish), YA, Academic Rivals to Lovers

       A riveting, swoon-worthy teen romance centered on two high achievers fighting for the title of high school valedictorian and falling in love along the way, from debut author Danielle Parker.
     Sasha Johnson-Sun might not know everything—like how to fully heal after her dad’s passing or how many more Saturdays her mom can spend cleaning houses. But the one thing Sasha is certain of? She will graduate this year as Skyline High’s class valedictorian.
     At least, she was sure before the principal calls Sasha and her cute, effortlessly gifted ex–best friend, Ezra Davis-Goldberg, into his office to deliver earth-shattering they’re tied for valedictorian and the scholarship attached…
     This outcome can’t be left to chance. So, Sasha and Ezra agree on a best-of-three, winner-take-all academic bet. As they go head-to-head, they are forced not only to reexamine why they drifted apart but also to figure out who they’ve become since. With her future hanging in the balance, Sasha must honor her family’s sacrifices by winning (at all costs) or give her heart a shot at finding happiness?


There was no surprise that I liked this one. So far everything from Nicola and David’s new imprint has been FIRE! This one wasn’t my favorite, but it was only because of the MMC. I STILL think think the FMC could have done better. Butttt that’s just me lol

Ok so the reason she could have done better? He was so annoying lol I see why she was so gungho on making him pay. It was the donut thing I think. Like he really played her and then got mad when the ending happened? I HATE double standards, so I was pretty mad that he got to play a joke on her but when she did it, it was too much. He was a big baby and it was annoying. Buuuuutttt I do also understand that she was being extra as hell too. Like she was trying real hard to say he didn’t deserve that. But I think there was a big difference in saying that vs him actually doing something to sabotage her. Was I thinking too much about this book? Yes. Does that matter to me? No. I still liked him a considerable amount less than before after he did that.

The writing style was awesome tho. I couldn’t stop listening. I was listening to it everywhere and I remember staying up until 2 listening to it. I wanted to see her beat him so bad. I had to know how it ended. And before you ask, yes I wanted it to end differently. I think it was because it was more of a need vs a want. But whatever, it wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t what I wanted.

And because of this the romance felt a little weird to me. But as we know, I am not a an enemies/rivals to lovers stan, so it could have just been that lol I know it’s a favorite trope of everyone else, but this friends to lovers fan was slightly miffed lmao But once they started flirting it got cuter and cuter. I DID wish they got their lives together sooner tho. This slow burn was burning up until the very end. We never really got to see them be together. And for that I was grateful for the epilogue. It just gives a glimpse into their near future, and that was ok for me. Not enough by any means, but it was ok.

The way these two fought in the principal’s office made me think this was going to be a cute, fun time. Although it was, I did have some issues. I know others won’t see this the same, which is fine. It just made me laugh because my reading preferences made themselves 1000% known with this one.

Overall, I give this

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