WoW: Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

Book Cover

A stunning novel about being brave enough to be true to yourself, and learning to find joy even when times are unimaginably dark.

Three days. Two girls. One life-changing music festival.

Toni is grieving the loss of her roadie father and needing to figure out where her life will go from here — and she’s desperate to get back to loving music. Olivia is a hopeless romantic whose heart has just taken a beating (again) and is beginning to feel like she’ll always be a square peg in a round hole — but the Farmland Music and Arts Festival is a chance to find a place where she fits.

The two collide and it feels like something like kismet when a bond begins to form. But when something goes wrong and the festival is sent into a panic, Olivia and Toni will find that they need each other (and music) more than they ever imagined.

Published by: Scholastic Press
Expected Publication: July 6, 2021

Why I’m Waiting: I adored Crown and I need to see if this one will be just as awesome! Also, many of you may know I will read any book that has books, music, or food as part of the main focus. Lastly, I found out after Crown that Leah is part of the same sorority I am, so there’s no way I won’t be supporting her when it comes out.

What about you? Did you read Johnson’s other book? What are some buzz words that make you want to read whatever book it’s describing? Let me know in the comments!

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