WoW: Home is a Silhouette by Kataru Yahya

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

Asiya Abdullah has it all. But still, her heart is restless. She yearns for a closer relationship with her mother and friends who truly care about her. When a single mistake forces her into the grasp of a successful, powerful, and wanted man, Asiya’s life is thrust into a dark and violent world hidden behind the glittering walls of a mansion.

Lila has long since given up the idea of escaping. Five years have been stolen from her, and with little to go back to, she obediently serves as a maid to the Master of the house. Lila knows she’s a shell of herself and surrounded by people she cannot trust, but with nowhere as a home for her heart, what else can she do?

When the two girls’ paths converge, their worlds shatter.

HOME IS A SILHOUETTE is a stunning debut by Kataru Yahya, spinning a multi-POV loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast set in Ghana, where not all fairy tales are magical.

Published by: Shaherazad Shelves
Expected Publication: September 5, 2023

Why I’m Waiting: Anyone who reads this probably knows me….. Tell me if you can spot the buzz word in this synopsis that made me add this to my TBR with the quickness! If you guessed “HOME IS A SILHOUETTE is a stunning debut by Kataru Yahya, spinning a multi-POV loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast set in Ghana, where not all fairy tales are magical” then you are exactly correct. I’m glad its the last sentence because as soon as I saw that it was set in Ghana and was a loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast, that sound from TikTok “I’ve seen what I needed to see” played in my head lol I didn’t care about anything else but that. I cannot waittttttttttt!

What about you? Will you add this to your TBR now? Have you added something to your TBR over a buzz word before? Let me know in the comments!

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