This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

The New York Times bestselling Arc of the Scythe series continues with thrilling stories that span the timeline. Storylines continue. Origin stories are revealed. And new Scythes emerge!
There are still countless tales of the Scythedom to tell. Centuries passed between the Thunderhead cradling humanity and Scythe Goddard trying to turn it upside down. For years humans lived in a world without hunger, disease, or death with Scythes as the living instruments of population control.
Neal Shusterman—along with collaborators David Yoon, Jarrod Shusterman, Sofía Lapuente, Michael H. Payne, Michelle Knowlden, and Joelle Shusterman—returns to the world throughout the timeline of the Arc of a Scythe series. Discover secrets and histories of characters you’ve followed for three volumes and meet new heroes, new foes, and some figures in between.
Gleanings shows just how expansive, terrifying, and thrilling the world that began with the Printz Honor–winning Scythe truly is.
Published by: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
Expected Publication: November 8, 2022
Why I’m Waiting: Every year I always look at what comes out on or near my birthday and say that that book is my birthday present. Last year it was Gilded. This year, it will be Gleanings. Y’all, the way I loved this series…. Like I can’t even explain it. There were some strange things that happened in the end, but I loved it all the same. So imagine my surprise when I say Neal’s son on TikTok say there was another in the series. I almost fainted. Then the cover was revealed and I have no idea what it is, but I love it. I can’t wait to find out what it is. The only thing I don’t like is all the extra people. I thought he did just fine. It just makes me nervous because I DNF’ed one of those authors before lol (No I’m not saying who lol) AND some of those authors are contemp romance authors? So yeahhhh. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to this. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

What about you? Have you heard about this one? Do you think you’ll read this one? Do you like/know any of those authors? Let me know in the comments
Oh nice! I saw this one too and got excited! Though I am hesitant to read it because I don’t know what more can be told. I don’t know…I just finished the series last year and of course my brain is struggling to remember everything. Lol. Definitely keeping an eye on this one though!
Here’s my CWW
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I gotta read Toll still!