WoW: Black Candle Women by Diane Marie Brown

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

Generations of Montrose women—Augusta, Victoria, Willow—have lived together in their quaint two-story bungalow in California for years. They keep to themselves, never venture far from home, and their collection of tinctures and spells is an unspoken bond between them.

But when seventeen-year-old Nickie Montrose brings home a boy for the first time, their quiet lives are thrown into disarray. For the other women have been withholding a secret from Nickie that will end her relationship before it’s even begun: the decades-old family curse that any person they fall in love with dies.

For each member of the household, revealing this truth to Nickie also means reckoning with their own past choices and mistakes. And as new questions about long-held family beliefs emerge, the women are set on a collision course dating back to a voodoo shop in 1950s New Orleans’s French Quarter—where a hidden story in a mysterious book may just hold the answers they seek in life and in love…

Published by: Graydon House Books
Expected Publication: March 7, 2023

Why I’m Waiting: The very first thing that grabs me is the cover. If y’all know ANYTHING at all about me by now, know that I am easily swayed by pretty covers. Even more so if it has a Black person on the cover. And BAY-BAY you can’t tell me this cover ain’t all the things I just mentioned and more! And then there’s the synopsis! I don’t normally read adult fantasy, but this synopsis mentions a 17 year old is also included, so I thought it might be ok. And of course, y’all know my other “Will Always Read” is anything set in New Orleans. Because I LOVE New Orleans! Hubs and me go once a year at least (or we did before the panini) and this sounds so freaking good!

What about you? Does this sound like something you’d like? Do you love the cover too? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “WoW: Black Candle Women by Diane Marie Brown

  1. Oooh nice! This is a new to me one but that cover is amazing! I love NOLA as a setting too! I’ve only been twice in my life, but it’s definitely a fun place to visit! I know you’re going to love this one so I’ll cross my fingers for you that the publishers send it to you early! 😉

    Here’s my CWW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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