Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brenan

E-Book, 384 pages

Release Date: September 11, 2012
Published by: Random House Books for Young Readers 
The Lynburn Legacy #1
For fans of: Laughing Out Loud, Paranormal, Fantasy, Ya
Kami Glass loves someone she’s never met . . . a boy she’s talked to in her head ever since she was born. She wasn’t silent about her imaginary friend during her childhood, and is thus a bit of an outsider in her sleepy English town of Sorry-in-the-Vale. Still, Kami hasn’t suffered too much from not fitting in. She has a best friend, runs the school newspaper, and is only occasionally caught talking to herself. Her life is in order, just the way she likes it, despite the voice in her head.
But all that changes when the Lynburns return.
The Lynburn family has owned the spectacular and sinister manor that overlooks Sorry-in-the-Vale for centuries. The mysterious twin sisters who abandoned their ancestral home a generation ago are back, along with their teenage sons, Jared and Ash, one of whom is eerily familiar to Kami. Kami is not one to shy away from the unknown—in fact, she’s determined to find answers for all the questions Sorry-in-the-Vale is suddenly posing. Who is responsible for the bloody deeds in the depths of the woods? What is her own mother hiding? And now that her imaginary friend has become a real boy, does she still love him? Does she hate him? Can she trust him?

     This was definitely a fun read. As someone who studied journalism, I could understand Kami and her need to know everything. I connected with her right away. Even if I did think she was a llittle crazy in the beginning. 
     When we first meet Kami Glass she has just sstarted the school newspaper with her best friend. She tells her other friend all about it, but he just so happens to be in her mind. Yes you read right, in her mind. Kami has an imaginary friend named Jared who she has been teased and lost friends over since she was a little girl. Then one day she meets a boy named Ash Lynbourn. The Lynbourns are an old family that left town a long time ago, but have mysteriously come back for some unknown reason. Ash wants to join the newspaper and Kami wants an interview about them, so she allows him to join. Everything is going fine,  until  his cousin comes along. His cousin is nothing like him and gets into a fight with the Cricket team. Kami goes to interview him for the paper after the fight and low and behold , his name is Jared. She believes its a huge coincidence… Until they’re in the same place at the same time and their thoughts finally collide….. 
     Man the premise of this book was AH-MAZEING! When I saw “And now that her imaginary friend has become a real boy…” I knew I had to read this. It seems so dramatic and wonderful that I had to know what happens. But it was a lot different from what I was expecting. It turned out that this was more funny than the synopsis made it seem. I remember thinking “Is this a parody?” because I was laughing so hard. Kami is really a weird character and I loved that I was able to connect with her. Another thing that I loved about her, was the fact that she was Asian. Yay for diversity! Not every character in every YA book has to be the same race. 
     One thing I do wish was different was the setting. I wish it was described more. I was pulled to Kami’s world, but not completely as I could not see anything of the setting. All I saw was what was going on. I’ve never been to England, so I was excited about actually seeing it from Kami’s point of view. 
     Finally, I loved the big secret towards the end. Another thing that sets the book apart from other books that I’ve read. Jared and Kami haven’t been all over each other and the situation that’s going on isn’t about Kami or Jared being a werewolf or vampire. It was a refreshing way to add something different to my paranormal fetish. 

Overall, I give this 

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