Unbecoming by Seema Yasmin

e-Audio, 08:15:05
Narrated by: Reena Dutt & Suehyla Wl-Attar Young
Release Date: July 9, 2024
Published by: Simon & Schuster Audio
Read from: July 19, 2024
Source: S&S Audio Influencer Program (I received a copy of this e-audio from Libro FM and their influencer program in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
Content Warning: Abortion
For Readers Interested In: Realistic Fiction, Dual POV, 2SLGBTIA+ (Pansexual), Racial/Ethnic Diversity (South Asian Indian & Palestinian), Religious Diversity (Muslim), Pregnant Teen, YA, Feminism

      Two Muslim teens in Texas fight for access to abortion while one harbors a painful secret in this funny and heartfelt near-future speculative novel perfect for fans of Unpregnant.In a not-too-distant America, abortions are prosecuted and the right to choose is no longer an option. But best friends Laylah and Noor want to change the world. After graduating high school, they’ll become an OBGYN and a journalist, but in the meantime, they’re working on an illegal guide to abortion in Texas. In response to the unfair laws, underground networks of clinics have sprung up, but the good fight has gotten even more precarious as it becomes harder to secure safe medication and supplies. Both Layla and Noor are passionate about getting their guide completed so it can help those in need, but Laylah treats their project with an urgency Noor doesn’t understand—that may have something to do with the strange goings-on between their mosque and a local politician. Fighting for what they believe in may involve even more obstacles than they bargained for, but the two best friends will continue as they always together.


As someone who who lives in Texas I knew this was going to hit me in the feels. And sure enough, it definitely did. This one needs to be required reading if you’re in Texas. Especially at this point in time. And this book hit so hard because it so accurately described what’s going on in this state today.

Ok so I want to preface this by saying I’m not any of the rep described in this book, but I do know that with the main character being a teen, the way she was so scared to tell anyone about everything that she was going through. Not only scared, but also embarrassed. The other main character was very outspoken and she just wanted to protect her friend. I think she knew that the outspoken friend would have been set on handling it her way, and that’s not what she needed at the time. I But all in all, even though I am not a part of either of their communities, I think it was handled well. Please someone let me know if they think it wasn’t. (You must be part of the communities listed)

The subject matter was so hard to read. Not for the reason you think tho. If you’re assuming it was hard because of what she was trying to do, no that wasn’t it. I was more scared that she wouldn’t get what she needed and that her world was going to upend. But man, the things she goes through and the stress that she goes through in this book had me stressed out too. This is part of the reason I binge read it. Because I had to know how it ended. Because waiting would have stressed me out lol

The plot was a bit stuck because she just kept trying to get the things she needed, but I think Yasmin added in a really cool thing to help break up the monotonous panic spirals. Besides the other point of view in the book, I really enjoyed the grandma’s story and what was happening there. And the whole thing that happened at the mosque kinda threw me for a loop. So much of this book I was not expecting.

I also REALLY liked the way Yasmin was so real about all the hoops and things that women have to go through to get this procedure. From the weird places, to the dodgy, putrid smelling places, to the places that get shot up, it was all in there. I also appreciated that one of the procedures was in the book as well. Its something we can tell others to read to give them some insight on what to expect if they’re panicking and not sure what’s to come. I DO want to point out tho that this story was completely unbelievable tho because Y’ALL WERE WRITING A WHOLE HAND OUT. HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET CAUGHT UP? She should have been the one telling him to wrap it up. But I digress.

This book was so so good. I loved every second of it no like. I don’t think I’ve finished a book in a day like that in a long time. I will most definitely be adding this to my civic liberties list and I will be making sure to spread the word about this one. I loved it and I hope y’all will too.

Overall, I give this

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