My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins

UK Hardcover, 355 pages

Release Date: October 14, 2014
Published by: Macmillian’s Children’s Books
Source: Bought
For fans of: Romance, Contemporary, Chick-lit, Sparkly Covers, Diversity, GLBTQ, Christmas

If you love holiday stories, holiday movies, made-for-TV-holiday specials, holiday episodes of your favorite sitcoms and, especially, if you love holiday anthologies, you’re going to fall in love with MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME: TWELVE HOLIDAY STORIES by twelve bestselling young adult writers, edited by international bestselling author Stephanie Perkins.


      I’m so glad I waited to read this when it was a little closer to Christmas! I didn’t really have the Christmas spirit, but finally after reading this, I felt so much better. I put on Christmas music and I even to put up our Christmas lights! 
     Overall, this anthology was very sweet! I loved all the Christmasy romances and the fantasy was cool too. I loved how diverse they all were as well! From LGBTQ stories to interracial romances, this one had it all. I think that was my favorite part overall.Every story was unique and it made a wide variety of goodness for this anthology. I LOVED Rainbow Rowell’s, Jenny Han’s, David Levithan’s, Myra McEntire, Kiersten White’s (which I think was my favorite), and Ally Carter. 
     There were some stories in it that I didn’t like, but I figured that would happen with an anthology. but even those I didn’t like weren’t that bad. For instnace, Holly Black’s story was more fantasy than romance, but it wasn’t that bad. But then again Kelly Link’s and Laini Taylor’s were the only ones I struggled with. I think maybe those just aren’t stories for me. 
     This anthology went perfect with the hot chocolate and footie jammies I had while reading! I’m not normally someone who reads holiday reads, but this one was a must buy. I can’t wait to go back and read my favorites again on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 
Overall, I give this

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