These themes will vary! It could be based off of some book mail I just received, pop culture, something personal to me, a headline from the news, a trend I noticed when I was buying books for my library system, etc. I hope you stick around to see all the themes and book recs I come up with!

Today’s Theme: Stone Still
Medusa is having her moment and I couldn’t be more happy for her! She went through some horrific things, and has always been looked at as the villain because of it. And that is evident in this new book by Sajni Patel. And the twist with this one is the author writes this with influence from her own Indian culture. All the elements of Medusa is there, the stone still, the reason she became Medusa (so please take care while reading), and the snakes. They aren’t actually on her head tho and it’s not from just looking at her. But it’s really close. And this is her origin story, so it really could be modified anyway after that.
I have not read this book yet, but I want to soon! It comes out next week I believe. But judging by the cover, the snakes were there, and the synopsis has something listed as a version of being still or stone, so I guess we’ll see. This honestly sounds so good and I can’t wait to read it to see what parts of the myth it really has. But this is a MG, so I don’t know that it’s going to be any of the origin story for them. It sounds like it’s just going to be in a school, which is fine with me.
Well, there you go! Here I’m just going to talk about why I grouped these two books together. I hope you enjoyed a look at this small part of the books. For a full synopsis of the book or to add it to your TBR, click the picture and it will take you to their Storygraph. The link on the caption will take you to it’s Goodreads.

Do you think these sound good? Does this topic make you want to add these to your TBR? Will you go pick one up today?! Let me know in the comments!