These themes will vary! It could be based off of some book mail I just received, pop culture, something personal to me, a headline from the news, a trend I noticed when I was buying books for my library system, etc. I hope you stick around to see all the themes and book recs I come up with!

Today’s Theme: Stay Toxic!
Usually I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start the holiday season, but today is close enough lol Plus, you’re probably going to have some toxic family members over on Thursday too, so I figured I could give you some toxic family members that might actually be fun. In both of these, you’ll find some family members who suck enough for their other family members to do some really wild shit lol This one is even cooler because there is magic and two random girls involved too. For real, how far would you go to get paid? Would you attend a dinner party if someone offered to pay you and all you have to do is pretend to be someone else at a dinner party? But the craziest thing is you have to trick members of their family that they haven’t seen in a while. Sounds crazy right? I promise you, that’s not even the half of it. There is so much going on in this book and I can’t say any of it because I don’t want to give even the tiniest thing away. [This is a YA book]
This one also has some terrible family members. In this one there’s a famous author who goes missing from her family’s Christmas party. She had also invited two other authors who were coming up and popular in the mystery world. I thought it was weird until it got to the meat of the story. They go through what they think is trials to see if they can find her…. But things get really weird, really fast. This one also has a lot of shit going on, but I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to give anymore away. This is one unconventional Christmas book and I really enjoyed it. I hope you all will too! [This is an Adult Book]
Both of these have something else in common, but I thought that would be too spoilery for either one, so I’ll just say this…. You’ll have to read both to see what the other common thread is here. And trust me, it’s a good one!
Well, there you go! Here I’m just going to talk about why I grouped these two books together. I hope you enjoyed a look at this small part of the books. For a full synopsis of the book or to add it to your TBR, click the picture and it will take you to their Storygraph. The link on the caption will take you to it’s Goodreads.

What about you? Have you read either of these? Will you read either of them? What do you think about toxic family members? Let me know in the comments!