Two for Tuesday: Heist Novels – An Onyx-pected Trend

These themes will vary! It could be based off of some book mail I just received, pop culture, something personal to me, a headline from the news, a trend I noticed when I was buying books for my library system, etc. I hope you stick around to see all the themes and book recs I come up with!

This Week’s Theme: Heist Novels – An Onyx-pected Trend

If you ask me, I hate heist novels because they stress me out. My heart is always racing and I always find myself pacing or talking to the book. (Don’t you judge me lol) BUT if you don’t ask me and just check out my Read or To Read shelf, you’d know that I don’t actually hate them lmao For this one, it ended up on my TBR because Karen McManus is an auto-buy author for me. But when I saw it was a heist book I was hella interested in how this was going to go because it wasn’t usual for McManus. But in her signature fashion, she killed this. (No pun intended lol) The main characters are freaking jewel thieves, and that immediately hooked me. I don’t want to go into more detail, but Lordt this was crazy good!

I’m actually currently reading this one. This one is interesting because they’ve been partners in more than one way lol And then they run into each other in a terrible place lol But that’s as far as I’ve gotten. But honestly, that’s all I need to read to know that this is going to stress me out so good lol I hate when I want the thieves to win, but at the same time, they just work. I’m hella excited to read more and see who walks away with what and what happens when they come together. So if you need me, I’ll be here trying to race through this so I can get to the end and stop panicking over the potential of them getting caught or not being able to do whatever it is they intend to do with the spoils of their heist.

Well this was Onyx-pected……

When I was looking for books to use for today’s Two for Tuesday I remembered that Jewel Me Twice releases today and then I saw Passion for the Heist on Netgalley. Then I remembered I also just read Heiress Takes All. So then I went looking and realized I forced Thieves’ Gambit on my co-workers and there were some more books that have Heist in the title! This is why I love doing these because I accidentally come across so many different books! (Please remember this is not an exhaustive list. These are just the ones that I have just finished or have added to my TBR. One of them has a sequel coming out but Idk if there’s a heist in that one too.)

Well, there you go! Here I’m just going to talk about why I grouped these two books together. I hope you enjoyed a look at this small part of the books. For a full synopsis of the book or to add it to your TBR, click the picture and it will take you to their Storygraph. The link on the caption will take you to it’s Goodreads.

Have you added either of these to your TBR? What heist books have you read? Did you clock that there was a trend? Let me know in the comments!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her