These themes will vary! It could be based off of some book mail I just received, pop culture, something personal to me, a headline from the news, a trend I noticed when I was buying books for my library system, etc. I hope you stick around to see all the themes and book recs I come up with!

Today’s Theme: Disability Pride Month
When I saw this book I was so excited! A book about platonic friends?! Yes please! There’s always romance books, but there’s far less ones about platonic friends, so this seems like it will be good. (To be fair, they’re both queer and i’m not sure of their orientations, so maybe they’re just not attracted to each other) But regardless, they are also both disabled, so that representation is there too. Casey is a Deaf-Hard of hearing person and Hayden has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I love how they use their identities to come together and become friends. This story is a dual pov and I haven’t read it yet, but I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I can’t wait to get to it soon!
As for this one, we all know I’m an Anna Sortino stan! I’ve been waiting for ever to start this book. I just got it back from one of my co-workers (we used her debut for our ToB books last year so I let a friend read this one, her newest.) and they loved it too. This one is a love story tho, and there is still double disability representation. Elle is Deaf and Jackson is just diagnosed with MS. I haven’t read this one either (since I just got it back) but I plan to soon!

These are some that I have on my TBR and some that I’ve read and loved over the past two years.
Well, there you go! Here I’m just going to talk about why I grouped these two books together. I hope you enjoyed a look at this small part of the books. For a full synopsis of the book or to add it to your TBR, click the picture and it will take you to their Storygraph. The link on the caption will take you to it’s Goodreads.

Have you added either of these to your TBR? what books have you read that have disability rep? Let me know in the comments!