These themes will vary! It could be based off of some book mail I just received, pop culture, something personal to me, a headline from the news, a trend I noticed when I was buying books for my library system, etc. I hope you stick around to see all the themes and book recs I come up with!

Today’s Theme: Back to School-Sororities!
Disclaimer: As someone that is part of a D9 sorority, I am going to start this by saying, not all sororities are like this. ESPECIALLY not Zetas. Both of these books are fictional depictions of how sororities are that might be based off a real one, but it’s some NOT ALL.
About this time it seems like everyone is back in school! About this time everyone will be getting ready for rush or looking into joining a sorority or fraternity in other ways. I thought this would be a cool topic for two for Tuesday! In Thirsty, Blake and her girlfriend are trying to get into this exclusive sorority that promises all types of things after graduation. But Blake and Ella are from two different worlds, so Blake finds her comfort to this at the bottom of liquor bottles. She turns into a different person when she drinks. One who can handle all of the pressure she’s under. But how far is too far? As some of you may know, I have a hard time reading books about addiction due to a family member, so I had to read this in spurts, but I couldn’t stop reading it. I was drawn to the sorority and wanting to know what happened. And if you don’t know, Jas Hammonds is a master at making me cry into my lunches, so I maybe have some tissues on your just in case we’re the same.
This one is out today and the one this blog tour is about! This one follows some sorority sisters that have graduated 10 years ago. The last time they were in the same room, one of them died. The person who killed her is being released from prison at the same time as well. But still they come back together and find that they can party like no time has passed. But then, someone doesn’t make it back home. Was there more to the death that happened so long ago? This suspenseful mystery is said to have twists and turns and a super crazy ending! I can’t wait to get my hands on my copy later today and see just how far these girls will go for their sisterhood.
About the Authors of Zetas Till We Die

Amber and Danielle Brown both graduated from Rider University where they studied Communications/Journalism and sat on the editorial staff for the On Fire!! literary journal. They then pursued a career in fashion and spent five years in NYC working their way up, eventually managing their own popular fashion and lifestyle blog. Amber is also a screenwriter, so they live in LA, which works out perfectly so Danielle can spoil her plant babies with copious amounts of sunshine.
Author Website X: @ambersharelle Instagram: amberanddanielle Goodreads
Well, there you go! Here I’m just going to talk about why I grouped these two books together. I hope you enjoyed a look at this small part of the books. For a full synopsis of the book or to add it to your TBR, click the picture and it will take you to their Storygraph. The link on the caption will take you to it’s Goodreads.

Have you read either of these? Will you now that I’ve told you about them? Let me know in the comments!