Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Wish Had More PAGES
I’m just going to go ahead and say “Spoiler Alert” because lately me saying there’s a crazy ending means I’m spoiling the book. So if you don’t want to know about these books with crazy endings, please click away! If you’re ok with knowing it’s there but don’t want to know more info about it, CLICK AWAY! But with more pages all of these books could give me a little more insight on things that might have happened after that ending. Because sometimes you need just a little bit more.

-Just when you think it’s over, you find out there’s a whole nother part to the story in Looking for Smoke by K.A. Cobell. I think I sat up and was like WTF lol
-Another one where you think you have the whole story but then the epilogue makes you say, “GIRL WHAT?!”
-I had to rewind House of Marionne’s ending several times before I actualy GOT IT. I kept saying, “OMG OMG OMG OMG”
-In Cutting Teeth I wasn’t impressed by one thing and was ready to complain. But then I got to the ending and I was like WTFFFFFFFF. Literally everyone in that book was nuts lol
-In a Year to the Day they were very protective of that one person. But the way the story is told backwards keeps us from knowing what actually happened. But when we get to the end and we find out? I was bawling. I said I was never reading that book or Robin Benway again lmao
-Perfect Little Monsters tells the story of some mean ass bullies. And I can’t lie, I didn’t care at all what happened to them lol but then things started coming out and OMG I wasn’t ready for that ending lol
-The entire book of The Reappearance of Rachel Price was crazy. I don’t even think this could count as a crazy ending lol
-Two Sides to Every Murder has an ending that pissed me off lol I mean that in the good way I guess. I guessed who it was so I was a little disappointed, but THEN the ending comes and I was like WTH IS GOING ON?! So now I need more pages because I need to know THAT story too!
-With Monday’s Not Coming…………. IYKYK
-If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come ends right before the end of the world. I thought it was good, but I do think there was a lot of buildup for nothing. We never find out what happened, if they miracously survived, if they just didn’t care and died, what about the baby, all of that. I HATE WHEN Y’ALL END BOOKS LIKE THIS lol I am not good with open endings. I can never come up with a complete and tidy ending. I need y’all to pick it for me lol

What about you? Have you read any of these? Will you? What do you think about bombshell/open/cliffhanger endings? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice picks! I skipped over House of Marionne for sure since I just started that one yesterday! Lol. I did want to see your reaction to Two Sides to Every Murder because yeah that ending was wild! I was like wth?! I had thoughts about that “guess” too! I suspected it early on but then as time went on started doubting myself! Lol. I wonder if there will be an extended epilogue when the paperback comes out. She did a little something more with How to Survive Your Murder. I remember reading it at the store because I wanted to see what it was about! I think it did more character development then plot extension, but I guess you never know! I’ll definitely be peeking at it again come next summer! Lol.
Great picks! I couldn’t bring myself to read about the ones I am curious about! Lol. Even with a spotty memory problem I somehow can always remember the spoilers. Like I can still remember when a friend spoiled an ending to a movie I wanted to see. I pretty much always think of him when I watch that movie now and this was like 20 years ago! God, I feel old! Lol.
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂