TTT: (Well 11) New to Me Authors I Discovered in 2022!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

New to Me Authors I Discovered in 2022!

Kennedy Ryan wrote something that broke my heart and put it back together and I’m here for reading more of that! Alexa Donne had a mishap regarding the B&N situation, but I did like Pretty Dead Queens. Ryan LaSala’s The Honeys was creepy af and needs to be talked about. Alicia Thompson is a debut author and I don’t know if this counts, but I think it should lol Because this book was cute! Jodie Slaughter may write about books that have the elderly playing Bingo, but man this kinda spicy lol

Bolu Babalola …. I don’t know if they’re a debut author or not, but I know one thing, I will be looking for the sequel of Honey and Spice when it came out. If y’all have never read my girl A.E. Valdez, FIX THAT! She writes the best soft girl romances and I can’t get enough of them. They have just the right amount of spice and just the right amount of thug. I can’t wait to read all her backlist. Ebony LaDelle is another debut author, and again, Idk if this counts or not, but Love Radio deserves way more recognition than it got last year. THIS is the book that should have been the best YA romance. This uber cute book is my favoirite of last year and I really need everyone to read it. Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeee. Akwaeke Emezi…… Now I know they have a lot of books out, but this is the first one by them that I’ve read. And let me just say, if they’re all like this, I will be reading all of them because this book was so hilarious and it raw and ugh just so good! Marit Weisenberg wrote another one of my favorite contemps last year and it ‘s totally underrated. This book was shocking and powerful and felt like an episode off a true crime episode lol I hope more of you pick it up!

Jas Hammonds is another debut author, but man this book had me sobbing into my chicken strips. I will not lie, when I read this, I was not expecting it to be one of my faves of the year, but any book that gives me a visceral reaction like THAT, yeah, I need to read everything they write ever. (Also, yes I know this is 11. Leave me alone lmao)

What about you? Do we have any of the same authors? Do you have any of these on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

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