TTT: Top Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover!

1. You have more than one library card
Listen, there’s the library system I work for and there’s a county one in my area. And I haven’t stayed here my entire life, and of course I had one where I grew up and where I went to college. I only use 3 out of the 4 now lmao 

2. You have at least one of those card numbers memorized….
I have my personal one for the library system I work for and my husband’s memorized. (He asks me to pick up his holds smh) 

3. You take the dust jacket when you’re reading it so it doesn’t get messed up.
Listen, even with Book Beau and other book koozies the dust jackets could get bent up. To prevent that I just take them off and put them where they’re supposed to go on the shelf. 

4. People know to borrow ONLY ARC’s because they know you won’t let them borrow your hardcovers
My momma will tell you, she doesn’t ask to borrow my books because I’m crazy *rolls eyes*

5. You talk in book quotes
I was in a Zoom staff meeting just the other day when a co-worker said she was going out to look for toilet paper and I said, “May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor.” 

6. When looking for book reccs your reader AND non-reader fans always look to you.
The reader fans like my blogger friends and regular library teens always ask me what I’m currently reading. And now I have SO MANY teacher friends in my real life that keep asking me what I’m reading and can I make a quick reader’s advisory sheet for their teens. My favorite request was, “Fluffy romance with m/m books in YA.” And then I was intrigued enough to want to pick up one myself! (Looking at you Only Mostly Devastated!)

7. You have a home library (or just a lot of books)
I was only talking about me when I wrote this lol I just spent $200+ on Wal-Mart shelves and I made a super cheesy in home library. It’s not going to be beautiful like the other ones I’ve seen on Instagram with built in shelves or those super heavy duty ones from Ikea, but it’ll be mine and I adore them

8. You always have a book on you. (Whether its the emergency stash on your phone on your Kindle app or a physical one you have in your purse!)
I’m always A-OK when I’m waiting somewhere. Whether that’s the grocery store, the line to get food at a wedding (yes I have, don’t ask lmao) I will always break out my phone and use that trusty Kindle app on phone. Or if it’s somewhere more civilized, like a family reunion (again, yes I’ve done it and don’t ask lmfao) I’ll pull the physical book out my bag. 

9. You’ve passed your beliefs to the next generation in your family.
Example: My 7 year old (second) cousin and my nephew get a book and something else from me every year for Christmas and on their birthdays. 
And another example just because I think it’s hilarious, my nephew takes his iPad to daycare and he lets the other kids play with it. He took his favorite books (No David) and the teacher said he was yelling at them, “DON’T TOUCH MY BOOKSSSSSSS!” He got in trouble with my sister…. I whispered to him, “That’s right” and bought him a Happy Meal lmfao #AuntieDuties 

10. You have a book blog
Because why else would you make a blog dedicated only to books? 

What signs do you have on your list?
Do we share any of the same ideas? 
Let me know in the comments! 

One thought on “TTT: Top Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover!

  1. Heehee!! I'm loving these!! And agreeing with them too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her