TTT: Top Finished Series I Have YET to Finish!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Finished Series I Have YET to Finish!

This topic’s pretty hard because I’ve made it my mission in 2015 to catch up on most of the series I’ve missed out on. It’s the reason audiobooks have become my BFF!

Rome (Marked Men, #3)A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly, #2)
1. The Marked Man series by Jay Crownover: I’m currently listening to Rome (#3) and I LOVE it. I can’t wait to get to Rowdy! He’s been my favorite so far. Rome is the hottest though, all big and muscly. 
2. Something Strange and Deadly series by Susan Dennard: I stopped on A Darkness Strange and Lovely (#2) but really enjoyed the prequel and the first one. It was the first look at zombies that didn’t completely gross me out. (Which is strange because I can watch The Walking Dead…. I just can’t READ it? smh) I want to catch up on this series, but the waiting list at the library is still so long.
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, #5)Rebound (Boomerang, #2)
3. The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan: The only one in this series I haven’t read is the last one, The Blood of Olympus (#5). I wanna say it wasn’t availabe to me, but I’d be lying. It’s more so that I didn’t want the series to end, so I have been dragging it out as long as I could lol But now that he finally has another series coming out in October, I think it’s time to bite the bullet and finish it out. 
4. The Boomerang series by Noelle August: I know this isn’t a “real” series and is more a series of companion novels, but I think it should still count! I really liked Boomerang and the “Toaster panties,” so I’m a little upset that I never finished the series to see what other super funny things happen. I need to hurry and get on it though! I’m hoping to check out Rebound (#2) from the library soon. 
Wild (The Ivy Chronicles, #3)City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)
5. The Ivy Chronicles series by Sophie Jordan: I’m 100% positive I would love this book (based on the amount of love I had for the first two) but I just haven’t had time to read Wild (#3). I want to do it at a time when I don’t have anything else to read so  I don’t have to speed through it. I want to enjoy this one. It won’t be my favorite, (that spot belongs to Shaw uhhhh Tease #2)  
6. The Mortal Instruments series by Cassndra Clare: I wasn’t around when this series became popular, so I was late to the party on it. I’ve only read the first and second one,, which sucks because everyone says City of Glass (#3) is the one I need to read.
Her Dark Curiosity (The Madman's Daughter, #2)Game (Jasper Dent, #2)
7.  The Madman’s Daughter series by Megan Shepherd: I really liked the first one, but Her Dark Curiosity (#2) was getting so many mixed reviews and I got it way after it was already released and I was swamped in a thousand other review books by then. I know that’s a bunch of excuses, but one day I will get to the last two! 
8. Jasper Dent series by Barry Lyga: I LOVED I Hunt Killers, but Game (#2) was just too long and I tried to squeeze it in between a much anticipated release and when the other book came, it was over smh 
The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #3)If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)
9. The Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin: Retribution was another book I was so excited for that I ordered two of (Check out my current giveaway with the new release of Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas) but unfortunately for this one, I never read it. And this sucks most because it’s the last book in the series. I NEED to find out what happened to Noah and Mara. Before I forget the whole series. Or worse, spoiled.
10. The Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent: This is another series that was mostly out when I first started blogging and I heard about it because I was looking for something paranormal but easy to read. But then I got sucked into this world, but stopped because I was drowning in review books as well as homework. (I was still in college at the time.) But now I own them all and know I don’t have an excuse anymore. I want t get to it one day. One day maybe soon. 

What series do you want to finish?
Any that you see on my list too?

2 thoughts on “TTT: Top Finished Series I Have YET to Finish!

  1. Nice! I loved the SS&D trilogy! Mara Dyer was pretty awesome, though I wish I could've binged that series better! And the Soul Screamers was such a fave of mine! I still need to start Megan Shepherd's series!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Soul Screamers is one of my favorites- especially If I Die, you must read it! Same with Something Strange and Deadly and The Madman's Daughter. Also, it's a great time to binge read the entire TMI series since they're all out- that's what I did and it was so fun! 🙂 Hope you get to catch up on your books!

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