Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 New to Me Authors I Discovered in 2021!
This is going to be sort of embarrassing because I couldn’t think of a single one unless they were debut authors. And that hardly counts because they’re new to mostly everyone lolol

-Dana Isaly: I’m a sucker for holiday themed books, so when this holiday themed book with spice added showed up, I knew that I needed to read this lol And I loved it. (AGE GAPPPPP!) And now I’ve been looking through her backlist to find out what else she has. (And her new book that’s coming out in like a week or so, Claimed by Cupid?! I NEED IT! I’m hella excited to read it!) (This book is for 18+!)
-The Wedding Ringer by Kerry Rea: LOVED this! Sure it was a debut, but it was so good! I thought it was so cute. And it was a rom com that was actually funny. It was sweet, not spicy, but still I loved it.

-Daniel Aleman: After I read this I couldn’t get it out of my head for weeks! It’s so good! I want to read it again now that I’ve talked about it!
-T.L. Swan: I read the first chapter of the first book in this series on KU and I fell in love. It was so good I went and bought the whole thing as paperback copies. And now once I finish reading those, I will be reading all her backlist titles too lol (Like that nanny series is DEFINITELY going to be read soon!) (This book is for 18+!)

-Axie Oh: This was one of the cutest books I’ve read in a long time. It was a long time since I had been able to sit and enjoy something without knowing anything about the book. I listened to it because my library system was thinking of using it in a game we play with teens across the county here. And after I listened to it, I was so happy to experience the fluff this book had. Definitely came just when I needed it.
– Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé: Again, this is a debut author, so it doesn’t really count, but still this was amazing and I thought it needed to be talked about.

-Crystal Maldonado: This was my initial review I put on Goodreads- “kfmnSJnjs mvgknvisjom mg’k gpMgKFlMFL{PGRGk[Okgprrh’lmhkidxnbkzbgdkizfbmfdzk bmzlk,f bz, fkzikzm’. That was the only way to accurately express my love for this book. Real review to come.” <— And I’m not even kidding lol And now I can’t wait for her next book!
-J. Elle: It’s set in Houston and it has literal Black Girl Magic. OF COURSE I ADDED THIS ONE.

-Joya Goffney: This book was so much me, I had to include it even though this was actually the author’s debut. From the journals, to the lists, to so much more, this book reminded me of me and I LOVED it. I can’t wait to get her new book in my hands!
-Alexandria Bellefleur: Her first book had come out in 2020, but I didn’t read it until 2021. So this one counts here. And man I fell in love with this romance. I still think about the meet cute they had sometimes. And now I’m obsessed with her books! I’m going to start her next in this series as soon as I finish my current read!

What about you? Have you read any of these authors? If so, tell me what you thought of them! Or, did any of these also make your list? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice! Those are all new to me ones! I read a lot from my TBR pile last year and it’s the same plan I have for this year, with a few new releases in the mix of course! Hopefully I can add a few new to me authors to my list for next year.
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂